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Be Patient

Be Patient

You have to be patient if you want to complete your journey.  A big part of marathon training is the long run.  It is often at the end of the week.  I sometimes dreaded that long run.  Sometimes during the long run, I would often become impatient because I just wanted...
Be Grateful

Be Grateful

When you are on your journey, remember to practice gratitude.  Be thankful for all you get to experience and learn on your journey.  Perhaps the journey has made you stronger. One of my spinning instructors asked everyone in the class to write down why they exercise. ...
Choose You

Choose You

Sometimes you have to put yourself first. Other days you may be at the bottom of the list. We often put everyone above ourselves–your kids, your husband/wife/partner, your job, your school, your client, etc. Although it may seem counterintuitive, choosing yourself...
Change it up

Change it up

Change can be scary. The only constant is change yet we often resist it; but remember, if something doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you. Are you standing still? Are you in the same place (physically, emotionally, professionally, etc.) as you were a year ago?...
Be Flexible

Be Flexible

Being flexible can set your free. Practice being flexible in everyday life and it will help you on your journey. We can’t control everything so don’t waste energy trying to. When training for a marathon you need to follow a training schedule; however, you also need to...