Alan: Analysis Paper 2

Alan Wu

CJN 738 Gender Communication

30 October 2012

Analysis Paper 2

For the analysis paper 2, the person that I am going to interview is a Taiwanese international student named Ping (pseudonym). We have known each other for six years. Ping is a junior who studies actuarial science at University of Illinois. The difference between Ping and mainstream American college student is that he is an international student. He came to America not only to pursue a bachelor’s degree of actuarial science, but also to pass professional exams in the future. He also has been interning at Prudential Corporation since his freshman year. He knows working experience is important and helpful for him to have the H-1B (working) visa or even acquire permanent resident card to become a permanent resident or citizen.

According to the U.S. census bureau, there are about 342,000 Taiwanese immigrants in the United States. According to USA TODAY, there are 723,277 international students studying in the US during the 2010-2011 academic year. According to Central News Agency, 24,818 Taiwanese students studied during the 2010-2011 academic year.

I conducted two interviews with Ping, and each lasted about an hour. I conducted the first interview via Skype on October 20, 2012. In the first interview I asked him why he chose to come to the United States rather than study in other countries. He said he always enjoyed speaking and learning English, since he was a little kid. But, Taiwan has a challenging and stressful educational system, and his parents want him to be more involved in the open minded educational atmosphere in Western culture. Moreover, he explained that colleges in United States are relatively high in educational quality compared with other countries. “I believe I can receive a better education from my major, and it also acts like a catalyst for passing the future exams. I think I stand a better chance to become an actuary and work in the United States” Ping said. On the other hand, if he returns to Asia, the Taiwanese and Chinese corporations generally have higher recognition for the international student who studies in United States. He may end up having a higher salary in Taiwan if he worked in the United States.

I also conducted the second interview via Skype on October 25, 2012. I asked Ping, “what are the major differences between the university experience in the U.S. and Taiwan?” He said when he first came to the country, not only was he homesick, but he also experienced racism in school from peers. Schoolmates laughed at him because of his accent and the identity as an Asian. Ping felt he wasn’t accepted at that time. Eventually, people noticed Ping was good at math and active in sports. Instead of showing negative bad attitude, students were nicer to Ping and Ping became more popular. Some students even treated him as their role model. Ping also observed that American students are willing to express their thoughts and opinions, not just engage in casual conversation, during class. Students would also exchange ideas with professors. This gave Ping many chances to speak in front of different audiences whether it was for classes or activities. This is something he rarely saw in Taiwan. Ping went on to explain that he stopped being hesitant to speak English in public. Now he feels very comfortable to speak to anyone, and he also feels more Americanized, Most of his friends are Americans and unless he has to, he seldom speaks in Chinese anymore.

The show Ping and I have seen and discussed is the sitcom Big Bang Theory. The show is centered on five geeky and socially awkward characters, set in an apartment in Pasadena, California. By watching the show, I found the character that has some similarity to Ping is Rajesh Koothrappali. Rajesh is an international student from India. Rajesh complains that he is always lonely; sometimes the people around him cannot accept his humor or may not even understand it. When he experiences homesickness, he performs the traditional Indian dance to amuse himself. On the other hand, Rajesh always communicates with his parents back in India via webcam, which is the most common means for communication between the average international student and their parents back home. Ping and I both feel Rajesh and he have much in common. Because of the language and culture barrier, Rajesh sometimes has the tendency to act or speak inappropriately, which often earns him stares and negative remarks from the other characters.

Kim (2011) described how Asian immigrants are frequently feel pushed aside and excluded from the mainstream of the host society, and they spend most of their everyday lives on their own communication channels. On the other hand, Ping faced some problems he needed to overcome. When he felt homesick, he would also watch his favorite Taiwanese talent show to gain a sense of relief. Ping said, “When I first came to the U.S., I sometime felt I did not belong to the American society. When I interact with American classmates at social events I have difficulties to express my thoughts due to language barrier.” Ping also described a situation in which he explained to the professor on the first day of class that he might need some extra help because of his language difficulties. The professor replied, “That is your problem, not mine.” From that time on, Ping kept silent in class, but the professor posed questions to him at every meeting. Sometimes when he could not answer the questions, the professor said something he could not understand and the other students laughed. Ping felt he was being scoffed at.

Macdonald’s (2006) article “Muslim Women and The veil” described veiled Muslim women as: “rigidly and defensively essentialised by the Western media in their veiled representation, are rarely heard to speak, and hardly ever in their own words” (p.15). They are seen as the stereotype of the strange and uncommon foreigner who experiences the denial of diversity of their voices. Ping is an international student, who has faced a lot of discrimination. He felt American students tended not to look at him when he spoke and offered little verbal response. He also described instances in which American students avoided him when they were instructed to break into groups to do group projects. He was commonly left without a partner. Veiled Muslim women also experienced ridicule due to the stereotypes of being masculine different. They also are not accepted by the Western society, and resistant by American as well. Ping also faced this kind of experience before, when he was playing Lacrosse on another schools varsity team. The opponents were laughing at him and said that Asians are weak and not athletic enough to be on the team. Ping also said ” Sometimes I feel I do not belong in the school with my teammates or schoolmates because of the different kind of racism and lack of communication. Luckily, my coach told me to cheer up and embrace what I have now and just be myself.” After the pep talk from the coach, Ping told me he moved on and began expressing his opinions and acting like his true self.

In Taiwanese Students’ Perspectives on their educational experience in the United States, Yen and Stevens (2004) explained what attract Taiwanese students to come to United States for education, and what circumstances may compromise their efforts to get a good education in America. In this article, there is a section that describes the initial response to the unfamiliar environment. The first thing Taiwanese students face is that the living quality here is not as good as they imagined. They start to feel upset after a while. The article has a comment that demonstrates the participants’ feelings “My teacher in Taiwan used to tell me Americans are so polite. But my neighbor always dumps trash in the hall, and doesn’t care how other people feel (P.302).” The article suggests that the students coped with their loneliness by seeking out the company of other Taiwanese students on campus, and they started to feel a sense of belonging, most strongly through their association with other Taiwanese students.

All the international students come here for the American Dream, but every identity has to face obstacles such as homesickness, language barrier and culture shock. Kim (2011) and Macdonald (2006) both talk about the struggles of foreigners living in the foreign society when they native born, and also describe the way they try to break through the barrier or try to adjust. However, they did not give suggestions and tips for staying away from isolation and loneliness. On the other hand, Yen and Stevens’ (2004) article, listed the steps of what a Taiwanese student might face in the road of studying aboard. They included things like gaining broader life experiences, and impact of stress on international students. Ping was also struggling at the early stage of his student life in the United State including the difficulties in school, social events, and other activities. But after the few years of growth and the effort he spent, he is now studying with his ultimate goal of getting an degree on actuarial science and also becoming more Americanized.














Kim, Y. (2011). Transnational migration, media and identity of asian women. New York: Routledge.



Macdonald, M. (2006). Muslim women and the veil. (Vol.6 ed., Vol. 1, p. 15). New York: Routledge.


Yen, W., & Stevens, P. (2004). Taiwanese students’ Perspectives on Their Educational Experiences in the United States .International Education Journal Vol5, No3, ,





Assessment-5 Questions

Greetings classmates,

Please read all 3 readings required for Week  8.

The assessment will start at the beginning of class. It is an open-note assessment. You will have 15 minutes to complete the in-class writing. You may hand in prepared notes.

2-3 short sentences per question.


For reading number one, Youna Kim (1.a)What does the author mean by becoming re-nationalized and re-essentialized?

For reading number two, Madianou & Miller (2) What are the positive and negative aspects of mobile phone parenting from the children’s perspective?

For reading number three, Wanning Sun (3) Please describe the politicized figure of the Chinese maid in America. (1.b) What is the dynamic between China and the U.S.?


Thank you,

Shirin and Alan.


Analysis Paper 2

For my analysis paper 2 i would like to have two interviews with my friend since five years ago, Ping Tasi. He is a Taiwanese student who studies at University of Illinois. He is now 21 years old. He was at Colorado, US in 2007 during his freshman year. After he completed his high school education, he now go to University of Illinois to study Statistics and Actuarial Science, and he is satisfie with the education that he had there at Illinois. Another reason he chose to come here in the US is that it’s much easier to obtain the permanent residence qualities if he can pass the four exams, and also easier to get a job.   I chose Ping because his major is very unique and different from majority of the international students in the US , he is also a foreign student  in US and since we both are from Taiwan. I can understand his thought very well. Plus, it’s interesting to know why he decided to pick actuary study will be fun to discover.

According to the U.S. census bureau, there are about 342,000 Taiwanese immigrants in the USA.  And according to USATODAY, there is 723,277 international student study in the USA during the 2010-11 academic year. According to CNA english NEWS, there is 24,818 Taiwanese student study during the 2010-2011 academic year.




Analysis paper: The Office by Alan Wu

Analysis Paper

I chose the main female character Pam Halpert, from The Office. The Office is a sitcom produced by NBC. It is based on a British series of the same name and was adapted for an American audience. Pam works as a receptionist at Dunder Miffin, a paper company. The significance of Pam is that she is one of the most likable characters in the show and is known to be very kind. I feel the whole TV show is dominated by males, such as Michael, the manager and Dwight, the assistant, I would say Pam is the main female character in the show, because the developing relationship sense between she and Jim, the handsome officeman. Pam’s personality changes as the series goes on. At first she is shy and denies liking Jim. However, she later becomes more comfortable with talking and tells people what she thinks.

During the two hours, I watched two episodes. The first episode I watched was called “The Dundies”, which is the annual awkward embarrassing awards show for the Dunder-Miffin Scranton employees, which takes place at the famous Chili’s restaurant. Michael, the manager thinks his subsidiaries would love the awards and his comedy act. On the other hand, they think its stupid and do not really care. Pam has an emotional scene in this episode, when she has some drinks and she drunkenly kisses Jim on the lips. By this sense, the audience can tell that they both have a crush on each other. The second episode is called “Hot Girl”. What happens in this episode is that Pam is mad and a bit jealous, because Jim informs her that he is going to go out with Katy, a hand-bag sales person. From this episode, the audience now knows that Pam cares about Jim, and she does not want him to be with other girls.

Pam Halpert is one of the few female workers at Dunder Miffins Company in the series, and she is also the most attractive one out of them. Not only Jim Halpert, but also most of the male workers in the show express interest in Pam. From Laura Mulvey’s theory (Haraway, 1997), who is a British feminist film theorist that believes in “Male Gaze”, it is said that in film audiences have to ‘view’ characters from the perspective of a heterosexual male. The working environment in the show is somehow not very restricted, and people can express themselves easily. For example, Dwight, sales representative, always tries to approach Pam’s desk, flirt with her. Since she is the first person people will see when the door is opened, she sometimes would receive different attention from sales people from other companies. When these things happen, Jim, who later becomes Pam’s husband, would stand up and stop the sexual harassment.

Pam Halpert works as a receptionist, whose job inculdes being a secretary and a telephone operator. In the Office Machine, Office Wife reading, Mr. M. L. Rayne (1974) states, “Like the secretary, the operator lived in a Taylorized world, her movement surveilled and measured according to standards of speed and productivity.” This reading suggests that a secretary’s status was like a servant back in the 1950’s, and Pam participates in similar the work, but she seems to always be quiet and never want to be the center of the show. I would say that Pam is a typical woman who dresses conservatively. For example, she always wears the plain sweater or the long skirt that does not have bright colors on it. This reflects on her personality, which is kind and friendly. One time, when Michael was demonstrating how things work in the office, he made a joke that he was planning to fire Pam, and she cries immediately.

The article that I would like to use is “Cynics Encouraged to Apply: The Office as reality viewer training”. By Christopher Kocela. The article analyzes the how the production crew makes the comedic element and the difference between The Office and several different shows, such as Big Brother and American Idol. The article starts by telling the reader that The Office is the “mockumentary” adapted from England, and each episode’s footage supposedly derives from a camera crew’s silent observation of office life in a mid-sized paper supply company. When Michael the manger is doing something silly, the cameraman would often give the shot at another normal character, such as Jim, and he would look at the camera and shake his head for the aural interruption of canned laughter.

In the section of the reading “It’s Not Business, It’s Just Personal” (Christopher, 2009) Michael Scott, who mentions himself not just an amateur comedian for his employees, but also as an aspiring reality TV host, and the main character of this TV series. One time, Michael tries to impress the new office temp, by staging a mock firing of his receptionist, Pam. After she realized it was a joke, she would not stop the tears. I would say from this case. the audience could tell Pam is considered the conscience of the minor branch of Dunder Mifflin. She provides reason and insight to whether actions are moral or debauched. Pam does have a comedic side in which she usually brings sarcasm, judgments and insensitivity to drama.




Haraway, D. J. (1997). Syntactics. New York: Routledge.

Mrs. M. L. Rayne, What can a Woman Do? Or Her position in the Business and Literary World (Petersburgh, NY: Eagle Publishing Co., 1898; reprint, New York;                           Arno Press, 1974), 28-57.

Christopher, K. (2009). The office as reality viewer training In Heldref Publication


Analysis Paper 1 Topic :Michael Scott-The Office

I have chose the Office from NBC as my first analysis paper, I watched it on Netflix sometimes.Before I start watching the Office, I have seen The 40 years virgin and The Date Night, and I pretty much like Steve Carell’s plays and movies. The Sitcom is about 22 minutes long in each episode, and it’s setting is in office.  I have chose to analysis the character of Pam Halpert who is portrayed by Jenna Ficher. Pam is the receptionist at Dunder Mifflin, a paper distribution company. Her character is shy, a little bit of aggressive but amiable, and also had some office romance with Jim Halpert, the salesman in the series.

In the series, Pam is always in the romance mode, and dated  Roy  for the first three season. But as the show goes on, she was getting closer to the handsome salesman Jim, and eventually married to him. She was treated pretty rude by her boss, Michael, whom in the first season fake to fire her, and leaving her in tears. Michael often make suggestive once harmless mark about her beauty and general appearance. I think the drama spend the most of the time on Michael and its Jim and Pam’s relationship.

The new series is starting play on Tuesday, and I can’t wait to watch it .

Below is the funny moment from the series