6 thoughts on “Analysis paper 2”

  1. Shirin,

    I thought that it was a smart idea to pick your friend Karla because you can both relate to her being an international exchange student, and you both have similar backgrounds. Also, having an already established relationship with Karla helped with the strength of your paper because it seems like you know exactly what you are talking about throughout the paper. For example, in paragraph two you state that many europeans go through the same process in understanding the American culture, and this further helped with the clarity of the paper. For another strength, you have sufficient and strong credible sources and evidence throughout the paper, such as the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics.

    Some things I would suggest for you to work on is editing the paper further for grammatical errors, and learning how to cite articles properly. For example, on the bottom of page four of the final paragraph, you say the article that you are citing is from the year 2014. Along with this, I would put the years the other two articles you are talking about came out so that the reader knows. Overall, the paper has strong organization and clarity, and it was easy to read and follow. For example, it is easy to see the connection between Rory from the show Gilmore Girls and Karla because they both are not afraid to be themselves, and they both are intelligent. Great Job Shirin.

  2. Shirin,

    This is a really impressive paper. You offer a well-rounded view of Karla’s relationship with both the United States and Switzerland, and include good quotes that help the reader to understand this dynamic. For example, the quote about the two countries’ attitudes toward the “underdog” is a great one, and you made a good choice in including it in your paper. A part of interviewing is finding the moments in an interview that stand out and are going to mean something to the reader, and you succeeded in this area admirably.

    You provide a similarly sophisticated analysis of the television show Karla likes to watch, Gilmore Girls. Your discussion of post-feminism’s mark on the show displays a developed understanding of the concepts we read about in class. You also introduce a compelling connection between the post-feminist strains in the show and the anti-feminist sentiments in Switzerland. It would have been interesting to expand on that connection even further: are you suggesting that, despite Karla’s overall Americanization and love for American culture, she is subconsciously drawn to Gilmore Girls because its subtly post-feminist approach to female identity mirrors the anti-feminism in her home country? Some more information about Karla’s views on womanhood and feminism could inform this discussion more.

    Despite the few spelling and grammatical errors that Amanda pointed out, this is a very strong paper, Shirin. Congratulations.

  3. Shirin, overall excellent paper and very well explained in your presentation. Being from another country it is clear that you chose a good person, Karla, to analyze and relate to in your paper. The introduction where you show statistics is impressive; over 90,000 people from Europe have immigrated to the U.S. in such a short amount of time. The relation between Karla and Rory from Gilmore Girls is well related for Karla began watching the show at 16 which was the same age as the main character in the show. Her quote, “It showed me that it’s ok to be a girly nerd whose focus is not just on going out and partying,” shows that Karla had a strong interest in focusing on her goals while in America. The difference factor that is evident with Karla appears in the first interview when she is discussing traditional American family values, and says, “it’s an American thing to do.”Karla says that being open about dating with parents from Switzerland is not something that is done, which is why she relates most with the Grandmother from the television show.

    Karla explains that she does not see herself as an immigrant because she feels that immigrants are people trying to familiarize themselves with the English language and American culture; she feels that she is more accustomed to the language and is not labeled as an immigrant. In relation to Transnational Migration, Media and Identity of Asian Women, author Youna Kim investigates how Korean women negotiate their identities in the midst of cultural differences, and, although from the same culture, Gilmore Girls is relevant for it explores the relationship between a struggling daughter and mother. Karla relates to Rory because they both were struggling women trying to establish connections and relationships in their lives.

    Shirin, you have provided ample examples and established an excellent relationship between Rory and Karla. What would have bettered this paper is more explanation on why Gilmore Girls was Karla’s first choice in shows about women. I understand that Rory was relatable due to age and circumstances, but there are hundreds of television shows with women, my question is why Gilmore Girls was so prominent in her life.

    Excellent paper, I enjoyed reading it and listening to the presentation!

  4. Shirin did a great job analyzing the two interviews with three articles (by Kim, Wackwitz and Stern separately) clearly, also, the relevant citations and ideas of each articles are appropriate. According to your analysis paper, it is obvious why the interviewee Karla is a person with a difference and also gives me a general statistics about Europeans in the US. Throughout Shirin’s article, now I understand that Karla as an immigrant in America does not feel lonely and discriminated, instead, she and her mother are becoming Americanized. What’s more, I have to admit you did a good comparison between American family values which are reflected in the TV show Gilmore Girls, and the reality in Switzerland.

    However, there are three minor demerits you should be careful. Firstly, there still exist grammatical errors. Secondly, in Transnational Migration, Media and Identity of Asian Women, you do not cite the year behind the author’s name, which is not a correct citation in the article. Last but not least, if you explain more about the completion between the peer-reviewed journal article and the two articles we have read to analyze the interview that will be better.

    All in all, your paper is organized clearly and gives me a good sense of what the body of article is about. Good job.

  5. Shirin,

    It is clear you learned a lot about Karla through the process of writing your analysis paper. You do a very good job explaining Karla’s difference as an immigrant, especially since she found it very easy to adapt to American culture. Referencing Gilmore Girls solidifies your explanation of how Karla viewed differences in family values between Switzerland and the United States.

    While Karla found ease in her Americanization, she seems to be in the minority when it comes to feeling like you belong, but you do a great job explaining her reasoning and explaining the extreme differences in experiences between Switzerland and the United States. I like your approach to the your analysis of Kim’s article on transnational migration from our class readings. While we mostly use such works for comparison and further explanation of our topics, you took the opposite approach by stating Karla is the opposite of the disengaged immigrant Kim describes.

    Your discussion on Star Hollows as a post-race and post-feminist in very interesting and comparing that world to Karla’s is a difficult connection to make. I am impressed with your reasoning because you took the context of the readings to describe the setting instead of the character, but the comparison works very well into your analysis.

    As for improvements, I would have liked to seen a more in depth explanation of the connection of your peer-reviewed article to the other readings on the topic. Otherwise, great job.

  6. Shirin, I thought you did a wonderful job on this analysis paper 2. As an international myself, I feel that it’s a good choice to pick your friend Karla, because you both are also international and have the very similar background. I also like the statistic of the immigrants from Europe is very helpful for us to understand there is a lot of people. I also found the interviewing part is very interesting that Karla tell us her perspective, and that’s really means a lot to us the readers. Although, I have never seen the show Gilmore Girls, but, I think you made the right decision picking it and shows some similarity and I easily can see the connection between Tory from the show and Karla, because they don’t care about others and just want to be themselves, and they both were struggling women trys to build up the connections and relationship in their lives.. I like the analysis part from both articles. Since we chose the same article from Kim, I like the idea that kim thinks how Korean women negotiate their identities in the well of cultural differences, just Karla has to deal with her identity as well. Overall, I really think this paper is well organized and well written Good Job Shirin!

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