3 thoughts on “Amanda: “Always Sunny in Philadelphia”,Dee Reynolds: Analysis Paper One”

  1. Although I haven’t seen the television comedy sitcom “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” before, through your description I have a clear understanding about what happened in these episodes. Especially the character Dee, I think she is the typical female image portrayed on the television programs. Her opinions are always ignored, because she is a girl. For instance, when they raised money for bar, they made Dee just sit back, serve drinks, and wear a revealing shirt to look pretty, while the men did the rest.
    For the Lotz’s article you chose, you successfully related the character of Dee to the “new, new woman” image. Dee lives on her own, pays her own bills and does not have a significant other. And all these traits reflected through the examples you gave in the article. I think the character Dee is similar with the character I chose—Penny, and they share a lot of common traits. I think the conception of relating the shifts from a traditional woman on television to a new woman has a great importance. And I found out that the last article you chose is very interesting and highly related to the character Dee, since she is a blonde. . Women can be judged by the way they look on television, and more specifically, the color of their hair.
    You did a great job.

  2. Hi Amanda,
    I have never see this sitcom. However, after reading your analysis paper and your presentation, I am really interested to it and want to have a look.
    I am really impressed by your connecting the characters to the readings. It is really a strength of you to summarizing the readings and getting the main points of it. For instance, when using second article to analyze the character, you wrote, “xxx article from Representation three about how the media can force stereotypes on women”, “Carlin and Winfrey (2009) describe how women can be put into four categories by the media: xxx.” There is a strong logic in your paper, which make the paper convincible.
    Also, the first article is excellent. You get an important standpoint in the article and state it, using it to analyze your character, which is what the course requires. You make it clear when giving some definitions such as “Postfeminism can be an extremely valuable descriptor for”, what new woman is, and what traditional woman is. These definitions you pick up fulfill your analysis.
    Overall, your paper lead us to know Dee, to understand more on postfeminism. What’s more, your presentation is really impressive. You are confident when giving the speech.

  3. Amanda,

    I’ve never watched the show, so your paper really helps me a lot to understand this character– Dee Reynolds.

    Dee is discribed as the “pretty dumb blonde” in the show. You use the Lotz’s “new-new woman” definition to define her, then represent her as a post-feminist and give some examples. Then you see Dee as a child from the media, because of the way she acts. The point “Women can be judged by the way they look on television, and more specifically, the color of their hair.” is very interesting and worth deeper discussion. The connection of these three articles is clear– how are women portrayed in the media.

    But it is a little jumped when you say Dee is being described as “pretty and dumb blonde” then define her as “new-new woman”. It confused me at first.

    Overall, it is a great paper!

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