7 thoughts on “Nikki Analysis Paper 3 – DiGuilio”

  1. Nikki, this paper is very well written! The paper itself is very organized, clearly written and easy to follow. It is common that most teenagers rely on their families and as long as they live under their parents’ roof, they must follow their rules. So I think most of the parents can not accept the fact that their dear daughters get pregnant. That’s why this book is useful, it helps pregnant teenagers realized that they do have a voice.
    In the beginning of the paper you explain how this book is organized, and then you pick up several quotes from the book that help you to apply models of feminism. There is couple of statements you argued, which I think are meaningful and also help me to think about the feminism. Such as, the stories told in this book portray these capable women who have the ability to carry out a pregnancy at such a young age, when they know society frowns upon it. The book provides examples of courage, bravery and the sacrifices these pregnant teenagers must face. It presents a voice of optimism.
    Overall, this is a great paper, with clear argument and valid grounds of argument.

  2. Nikki, Your video in class made your paper very easy to understand, and I find you rtopic very interesting. I had no idea that there are so many unplanned and teenage pregnancies every year in the United States! You did an excellent job explaining the breakdown of the book and how it not only informs readers of these pregnancies, but provides tips and help for those teenagers who need it.

    Your comment, “The book explores and details many alternative choices that are available to pregnant teenage females that are all possible due to the feminist movement,” directly relates not only gender, but we have learned throughout the course this semester. Women in the 2nd and 3rd wave feminist movements were powerful, and you explain their views well through Kroløkke & Sorensen. The relation between women standing up for themselves and teenagers who want control over their bodies is clear and easy to understand. Teenage girls who consider themselves a failure must realize that they’re not; your relation to not only voice, but Hook’s sexist oppression was well explained and relatable to the concepts of the book. I think something to add would be how Stanley & Simpson view male partners in these situations and their views on whether they should have more of a say in a women’s decisions? Overall, very well done; I enjoyed this paper and learned a lot from it!

  3. Nikki,

    I like that you connected your paper about teen pregnancy to the phenomenon of teen pregnancy television shows that are out there, because it illustrates the idea of how relevant this is in society, especially in the United States. Along with this, it was interesting that your book had the “guys” viewpoint at the end of each chapter, and the author’s reaction to it. It was important to mention because it gives not only the female’s but the male’s perspective about the situation, and you did a great job showing the reader that in your analysis paper. I thought it was important that you not only defined the second wave of feminism, but you gave examples such as the right to have an abortion which happened during the second wave, and you connected this to Krolokke and Sorenson, as well as your book. You state that women wouldn’t have the rights that they do if this second wave did not occur, and this illustrates your ideas presented throughout the paper.
    You show both the positive and negative aspects of teen pregnanct, which was interesting because society today only usually looks at teen pregnancy in a negative way. This strengthened your paper by giving ideas from more than just one side of things.

    one shortcoming of this paper is you mention how your novel directly aligns with third wave feminism, but how? I would just suggest to expand on that idea so that you have more evidence backing that up, and would add strength to the statement.

    An overall excellent paper, great job!

  4. Hi Nikki
    You did a great job. Every section of your paper is clear and well analyzed. Particularly, I love the video you showed to us at the beginning of your presentation, which perfectly illustrated your analysis and made it easy to understand.
    First, I like the background information your provide in your introduction part. Although it is not directly related to the book content, the information tell the readers why the book is written.
    Second, you are so creative that relate the book to three types of feminism and did a good analysis. In this section, your quote is well selected and you explained them clearly. For example, you mentioned that “If you don’t want to get married, don’t! No one can force you” shows the second wave of feminism because the second wave of feminism consider teenage girls have the ability to control their own lives.
    Finally, you organized your paper perfectly and followed professor’s guideline. Your paper clearly analyzed the relationship between voice, gender an feminism.
    Overall, I like the book you choose because I am not familiar with the topic of teenage moms and interested in it. Your analysis link the book and theory well, making me learned a lot.

  5. Nikki,
    Teen pregnancy has become somewhat of a pop culture phenomenon with reality TV shows and movies about the topic, as referenced in your paper. You do a great job explaining how coverage of the topic in the mass media has provided a voice to pregnant teens.

    Your explanation of the book in terms of Kroløkke and Sorensen’s second and third waves is well written. Your paper clearly describes how the feminist movement has impacted the views of pregnancy, especially regarding teenagers. I really like how you used the hooks article to explain that pregnant teens have a voice, but it isn’t always realized because they haven’t been able to explore feminism at such a young age.

    I really like your comparison of the pregnant teenagers to the entrepreneurial mothers Edley discussed. Based on the topic, your argument helps relate the issues teenage parents face in terms of finishing school and raising a child to mothers maintaining a career from the home. The comparison is not extremely evident, but you did a great job explaining how the two groups are related.

    Overall, I think your paper is very well written and covers a really interesting parenting topic. Your examination of the book in terms of the assigned reading demonstrates a clear understanding of the feminist movement and the concept of voice.

  6. Nikki, you did a great job.
    First, I liked that you put statistics in your paper. I found it very interesting and at the same time importnat to know how many pregnant teenagers are in the United States.
    Second, your explanation of the second wave of feminist movement perfectly corresponds with the major ideas discussed in your analysis paper. As you mentioned, “Second Wave feminism is women’s fight through policy and advocacy to advance women’s right to abortion, divorce, and nonlegislative partnership.” I found this idea quite relevant to the issue of teenage pregnancy. Even though, teenage females might lack of any life experience, they have all the rights to make their own decisions about their own life and the life of their future children.
    Third, the article “entrepreneurial mother” perfectly complements this analysis paper. More specificaly, you mentioned that with the invention of the internet it has become easier for teenage females to implement the role of entrepreneurial mother.
    Overall, i really liked your analysis paper and how you discuss the topic. Great job.

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