3 thoughts on “Adam – Analysis Paper 1 – Community”

  1. Adam has done an exceptional job writing this paper. You did a great job giving an overview of the characters and a detailed description of Annie. You obviously have a full understanding of how the articles we read in class can be linked and your use of specific episodes and dialogue give clear examples of how the articles helped you understand Annie. You do mention that Annie is not interested in representing herself as a feminist. You could have expanded on this idea by adding specific examples or explaining how/why she is uninterested in this. I learned about the idea of this “sexual contract”. It’s interesting that at first sight ( for me as a first time viewer), it would seem as if Annie is the so called “goody two shoe” but with more research it is discovered how much she actually uses her femininity to succeed, therefore falling under this sexual contract. While the paper was written extremely well, I feel it could have been organized a bit better. A few times, I got lost in your writings and had to re-read many paragraphs to make sure I could connect your arguments. In conclusion, I think this paper is excellent and it really showcases your writing skills and understanding of the requirements.

  2. I think Adam did a wonderful job on writing this paper. He provides a detailed overview of the character(Annie) and also thoughtful description of her. I also see that you put a lot of thought into your analysis of Annie. I’m excited by your focus on her role as a college student when it seems like she’s wanted to get back to her student prime. The main point I took from your paper is that, even though the viewer doesn’t see 18 years old Annie to have the motivation agagin for the school. But, I definitely can tell that you do have the full understanding of the character and also you analyse the reading very well.
    I like the connection between Wackwiz and Rakow’s reading compare with Annie. I learned that Annie is trying to find herself a real identity, with interactive effect with otthers fom bodies and imaginative rendings. I feel that you really did do have lots of references on your paper, because you have tons of the examples for your in text citation. Next time i should learn from you and have more information over my topic.
    I also found that your paper is kind of hard for me to understand sometimes, maybe I should have watch more clips. But, overall, this paper is real written with concise information over your character and the reading. Well done Adam.

  3. Adam,
    I would like to call it an excellent paper because this time I understand more than last time I read your draft. And with the basic knowledge of the draft paper, I didn’t get lost in your paper this time!.

    This paper gives me a clear outline of Annie, who is a quite complex female character in the sitcom Community. She is a serious stuider aiming to be an A1 girl while also being an object of sexual desire by virtue of her “schoolgirl” persona. This complex characteristic makes it interesting to analyze. Using the tension of her complex characteristic, you successfully analyzed the two sides of Annie using McRobbie’s and Wackwitz & Rakow’s theories and connect them using another McRobbie’s theory. I like the way how you connect female audience to Annie in this paper. It is an expended idea while you combine those three articles and not in a forced way.

    But still, not quite understand the part which analyzing how Annie represent herself differently.

    By the way, the video clips are awesome and I love them!

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