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Panopto is the instructional video solution used by Suffolk University and has the capability to offer students a virtual learning experience that includes additional instructor presence, while giving students control of the learning experience. The application can capture any combination of video, audio, lecture slides, and screen recordings. Panopto can be accessed from and utilized within Canvas.

Panopto recordings can include any combination of video, audio, and slides. Instructors have the ability to capture presentation slides and record animations in full HD (up to 1080p and 60 frames-per-second). The application indexes slide contents for search, as well as automatically creates a table of contents based on slide headings. Panopto also automatically detects viewers’ devices and delivers a playback experience tailored to each individual’s screen size and video capabilities.

How to record on Mac

How to record on Windows

How should I use Panopto?

For instructors

  • Send welcome messages to students prior to the beginning of a course
  • Present short lectures or longer lectures that are chunked into smaller topics
  • Record tutorials on content (new or prerequisite) that typically challenges students
  • Allow students to learn at a pace that works for them
  • Add quizzes to engage students to help them recall new content
  • Assign student video creations

For students

  • Review recordings at various playback speeds
  • Record presentations
  • Search through slides for specific content
  • Playback recordings on any device

Working with recordings

Editing videos

You may want to edit out segments of your video or simply change the title of your recording. Panopto’s video editor makes it easy to edit your video online. You can trim unwanted sections, switch between different video feeds, and embed quizzes.

See how to edit videos 

Creating accessible videos

Video captioning benefits all students by offering text captions that are synchronized with the recording. Students who are hearing impaired or whose first language is not English benefit from video captioning.

Additional resources

Panopto Tutorials

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