Course Design Institutes

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The CTSE invites all Suffolk faculty to participate in our course design institutes. These offerings are intended to prepare you to design or redesign your course for a number of different learning environments, add some new inclusive and student-centered elements to your course, and consider how to collect evidence of learning from a diverse group of students.

Past Institutes

Online Course Design Institute

Wednesday, July 6 to Sunday, August 7

It is never too early to start planning technology-enhanced, online or hybrid courses. In this 4 ½ week, asynchronous Online Course Design Institute (OCDI), participants get a head start on designing a course that is based on well-researched teaching and learning strategies designed to engage students in the online environment.

Interested in our next Course Design Institute? Please email to be added to our contact list.

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Midterm Feedback

Lending Library


Encourage. Motivate.
