2023 Symposium Program

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2023 Symposium on Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

8:15 AM-3:00 PM

Schedule at a Glance

8:15-9:00 AM Registration; Breakfast; Showcase of Faculty and Professional Learning Communities (FPLCs)
9:00-9:15 AM Welcome and President’s Opening Remarks
9:15-10:45 AM Keynote by Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy: “Introduction to Inclusive Teaching”
10:45-10:55 AM Break
10:55-11:40 AM Morning Concurrent Sessions
11:45 AM-12:15 PM Inclusive Assessment in Canvas
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM Academic Leaders Lunch and Conversation with Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy
12:15-1:00 PM Lunch
1:10 -2:00 PM Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
2:00-2:10 PM Break
2:10-3:00 PM Provost’s Presentation of Innovative Teaching Award; Presentation of Teaching and Learning Service Award; Raffle; Closing Remarks

Detailed Schedule

Showcase of Faculty & Professional Learning Communities (FPLCs)

8:15-9:00 AM

The showcase will include poster presentations by representatives of this year’s Faculty and Professional Learning Communities (FPLCs).

Participants will also have an opportunity to register for workshops about the Canvas Learning Management System, browse the CTSE library, and learn more about upcoming CTSE events.

Keynote: Introduction to Inclusive Teaching

9:15-10:45 AM

Teaching strategies that emphasize structured active learning can create more equitable classrooms and improve learning for all students. As an introduction to inclusive teaching techniques, Professors Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy of the University of North Carolina will ask participants to reflect on inequities and diversity in their classrooms through interactive, hands-on activities. After providing a framework for inclusive design and their own research results, Hogan and Sathy will lead participants through active learning exercises and case studies that explore inclusive techniques. Drawing upon their own teaching experiences and educational research, they will model approaches that can be readily implemented with any discipline or class size to help all students achieve to their potentials.

Morning Concurrent Sessions

10:55-11:40 AM

You are invited to join one of our concurrent sessions facilitated by Suffolk faculty, staff, and administrators.

Crafting Assignments that Help Students Learn and Thrive

Rachael Cobb, Political Science & Legal Studies

How do we create rigorous, carefully thought-out assignments that are challenging, exciting, and well organized so that we can help structure student learning? In this workshop, we will review different kinds of writing assignments, look at before and after, and consider ways to break them down into doable parts. 

A Student-Centered Approach to using Canvas to Foster Students' Time Management

Jodi Burrel, Academic Skills, Emerson College

Natalie Hebshie, Online Education, Emerson College

Jamie Bondar, Division of Student Success

Join this session to learn how the Writing and Academic Resource Center and the Instructional Technology Group at Emerson College teamed up to help faculty design Canvas courses to help students stay organized using the Assignment feature.

Read an article about Emerson’s approach.

Academic Leaders Lunch and Conversation with Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy

11:45 AM-1:00 PM

The Center for Teaching and Scholarly Excellence is pleased to invite Suffolk’s academic leaders to a special lunchtime session with Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy, the Symposium keynote speakers. Hogan and Sathy will facilitate an informal conversation over lunch about how to develop an inclusive culture within your department where students feel valued and heard while offering a curriculum that is relevant and rigorous.

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

1:10-2:00 PM

You are invited to join one of the concurrent sessions facilitated by Suffolk faculty, staff, and administrators.

Experimenting with Alternative Assessment Strategies for Student Engagement

Rebecca Stone, Sociology; Peter Fowler, Provost’s Office; Lucius Couloute, Sociology; Eugenia Gold, Biology; Erin Sullivan, Health Administration

In this session, members of an FPLC focusing on ungrading and other alternative assessment strategies share their experiences and reflections on adapting these strategies to their College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) and Sawyer Business School (SBS) classrooms. We will focus on practical advice and model approaches, as well as lessons learned and how we would improve our approaches in future semesters. 

Collecting Evidence of Learning in the Age of AI-Generated Tools

Sarah Boonin, Law; Dyane O’Leary, Law; David Colarusso, Law; Erin Trauth, English; Nicholas Frangipane, English; Jamie Bondar, Student Success

Join this panel/workshop to hear how faculty from across the University are exploring the use of AI-Generated tools to enhance and assess student learning.  In this session, you will be invited to consider how to create assignments and assessment criteria designed to strengthen critical thinking skills and encourage original work in your discipline. 

Presentations of the Innovative Teaching Award and Teaching and Learning Service Award, Raffle, and Next Steps

2:10-3:00 PM

The Innovative Teaching Award recognizes Suffolk faculty who are engaged in innovative teaching and disseminates ideas about teaching practices that are novel within the context of the discipline, contribute to increased student learning, and connect to the University’s strategic plan. The award will be presented by Provost Julie Sandell.

This year, the CTSE is also introducing the Teaching and Learning Service Award, which honors an individual who has gone above and beyond to improve the learning experiences of students beyond their own classrooms.

Collaborative. Innovative.
