University Support Services

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Encouraging students to take advantage of academic resources

At some point, all students struggle with their academics. The good news is that there are plenty of support options for these students: instructor office hours, academic support services, international student services, disability services, counseling, career services, libraries, peers, and supplemental instruction opportunities. Yet, despite their needs, not enough students take advantage of these resources.

How to help your students

In the article “How to Help Academically Struggling Students,” the author suggests that instructors integrate some essential strategies into their courses:

  • Embed study skills in the course
  • Help students understand that taking advantage of academic support services is a prequel to essential life-long learning habits
  • Convey the message that all students are capable of success in your course
  • “Incorporate early diagnostics to help students determine gaps in their knowledge and skills”
  • Integrate collaborative learning exercises in your course so that classmates can support one another
  • Engage students with authentic challenges
  • Prepare students for high stakes assignments and assessments

Tutoring Services

Jamie Bondar, Director, Tutoring & Peer-to-Peer Success Services

In-class accommodations

Andrew Cioffi, Director, Office of Disability Services

Early Alert

Orla Downey, Director, Coaching & Success Programs, Academic Success Services

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