Some Old Friends Brittney Keophoxay #9

I really do miss a lot of my friends.  Once Summer ended we all kind of went our own separate ways.  Some went to the military, some went to school, and some entered the work force.  We all kind of got really busy and just tried to keep in touch with each other whenever we can.

I understand they’re all busy because I am too.  It’s really bad too when we are all on each others throats about things, so space is nice from time to time.  Over that time I don’t see my friends, it just makes me want to see them even more.

I’m really looking forward to the break though, can’t wait to see old faces again.  This Winter break shoud be an exciting month off 😀


Snow Brittney Keophoxay #8

I can wait for a lot of snow.  The sky when it snows is absolutely perfect. It can be 1 o’clock in the morning and bright outside. The silence of everything when it snows is beautiful. You can barely hear a sound when the snow covers everything. Just watching the snow fall and stick to the ground is beautiful. Yeah I guess it sucks that it’s cold and you have to shovel it out, but coming in from the cold and putting on warm clothes, sitting in the heat, and drinking hot chocolate is so relaxing. The last time I actually had a lot of snow was when I a senior in high school. I miss the snow so much.

New Environment Brittney Keophoxay #7

During my time in Boston, I’ve met a lot of new people.  Coming from the small state of RI, I was used to a lot of things.  Seeing the same people everyday, going to the Cambodian market to get food, go to work down the street, go to Brown University to hang out with the bboys, etc.  Here, it’s so different.  I now made new friends, go to Boston University and M.I.T to hang out with the bboys there, eat out a lot.  It’s not all fun and games though.  I’m not used to going out all the time and I wasn’t used to saying no to people.  I’ve definitely learned how to put my foot down.  School is a priority of mine, plus I’m paying for my education as well.

It’s nice though.  It’s reminds me to keep an open mind and talk to people whenever I get the chance.  You’ll never know, some stranger sitting across the room from you might be your best friend in the future if you talk to them.

Suffolk’s Library Brittney Keophoxay #6

The University’s library, is by far one of my favorite places at the school.  It’s a quiet place where I am able to get a lot of work done.  I’m a very studious student and I take my studies seriously.  I can never study in my dorm because my bed is there.  I tend to just fall asleep on my bed right away.  My room is very messy due to the little time I have to keep it that way.  The mess is so distracting so it’s best if I not stay in my room for long hours.  Also, if floor mates are being noisy, I can’t get my work done either.  The library scenery is very relaxing as well.  I can actually just sit anywhere at the library, even the floor and get my work done.  There are times where I get too focused with my work, I lose track of time.  The library is a place for me to focus and it’s probably the only place for me to focus.

Finals are coming up and of course that is going to be the first place I am going to head off too!

SEARCH National Conference-Brittney Keophoxay #4

Today was the first SEARCH (Southeast Asian Restoring Community Hope) National Conference.  It was great meeting all these leaders and professionals.  Each panelist discussed topics about basic needs, health, policy and advocacy, education, and cultural awareness among our community.  I really like national conferences because it’s one of the few times I go up to people and shake their hands to say, “Hi, I’m Brittney, nice to meet you.”  I collected plenty of business cards and I surely will get in touch with them sometime soon.  Many offered me internship opportunities and I think it’s great being just a first year student.  I think I might want to look into the Political Science major at Suffolk University.

Anicka Galipeau Blog Post #8

November 29, 2012

Dealing with the death of someone close to me is something I have never experienced, until today. It’s been a very strange place to be, I feel helpless, and nothing I say or do will change what has happened. I find it challenging to be a supportive friend and giving advice and love has been emotional and draining. I cannot imagine what it feels like to have your father pass away, and my heart goes out to my best friend. I am even more anxious for Christmas break now, because I am nervous to see my friend in so much pain, because I know that my words and support can only help so much. I hope that, with time, we will all heal and eventually return back to the way life used to be. It has been a difficult time to receive such devastating news, and I am trying my best to show my support and love to my friend, for I know she is going through unimaginable pain right now.

Anicka Galipeau Blog #5

November 28, 2012

As the semesters closing quickly approaches, I can’t help but feel a bit relieved. It has been gratifying to look back on my freshman year thus far, because I feel as though I have put it my best effort. Reflecting on the nights I sat alone in my room doing homework assignments, while my friends were out at social events, I don’t feel regretful one bit. Granted, I’m sure they had a great night when they did go out without me, but I tend to think having my homework completed on the due date outweighs the fun of one night out. I have had to learn how to balance this compromise however. At first I felt as though I was going out too often and not putting my best effort forth into my homework assignments. I would end up with a feeling of guilt when I would hand in assignments that I knew were not completely finished. I gradually starting skipping out on some social events with my friends, and learned how to politely explain that I have to put my schoolwork first. At this point, I am thankful that I have mastered this skill so early in my college experience, because I know it will be useful from this point on.


Anicka Galipeau Blog Post #10


November 10, 2012

I went to a place called California Pizza Kitchen for lunch today with a friend. It is in the Prudential mall, about a 20 minutes’ walk away from Suffolk. I had never heard of the restaurant beforehand, and I was very surmised by how good it was.. I had an Asian salad, which was spicy and really tasty. I also had noodles for my main course, which was also a little bit spicy, and delicious! California Pizza Kitchen had a lot of salads, pastas and pizzas on their menu, so if you are looking to have any of those thing, I would recommend this restaurant! It’s very relaxing and quiet place inside, and I very relaxed during my entire meal.

Anicka Galipeau Blog #7

I am curious to know how everyone else felt while being home for Thanksgiving. To those of you who live close and have the privilege of going home often, I’m sure Thanksgiving break wasn’t very different from your previous visits home. Since I hadn’t been home up until that point, I anticipated Thanksgiving break to drag on endlessly. Growing up in Vermont, there isn’t a ton of things to keep my friends and I busy, so we end up not doing a lot. I was worried that by this point I would be so adjusted to the city life that Vermont would seem especially dull. Vermont lived up to my expectations, and I have accomplished absolutely nothing thus far, and break is almost at its close. This has made me increasingly nervous for Christmas break, a time that most people can’t contain their excitement for. I am worried that I will lose the routine that I am in now, which has been working great so far. All I can do is hope for the best, and try my best not to spend too much  time sleeping and sitting around. Wish me luck!

Anicka Galipeau – Blog Post #4

November 25, 2012

What a relief! I have survived Thanksgiving break, and I’ve never been so excited to be on my way back to Boston! Overall, my Thanksgiving break gave me a much needed chance to spend extra time on some homework and catch up with my friends and family. As I expected, Vermont was exactly the way I remembered it to be, only more bland than ever. All the leaves had fallen off the trees and the quiet roads proved to be more depressing than I remembered. I guess I’ve grown accustomed to the constant noise of the city and Vermont doesn’t provide as much excitement as it once did. Now don’t get me wrong, Vermont has been an absolute joy to grow up in and it has taught me how to live a slower paced lifestyle that requires a lot of patience. What most people may not know about living in a small town in a place like Vermont is that life feels as though you are stuck in slow motion. Customer service in Vermont takes much longer, your food is served after a much longer time when you go out to eat and people generally aren’t in a rush to get anywhere. Growing up in Vermont my whole life, I’ve been used to this, so I didn’t notice how relaxed things were, until I started school in the city. Thankfully, my bus is headed back and I’m only 2 short hours away from my much missed home away from home!