Social Networks–Rachael Medeiros

I recently deleted all of my social networks because I found myself more interested in other peoples lives than my own. I feel that this is a common thing to many who have some sort of social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I also feel that not only are people more interested in others lives, but how to out-do them too…who can get a better picture of them drinking out of the infamous ‘red solo cup’ or whose dorm room looks better? So the one solution to take a break from the internet world was the deactivate all accounts. I’m surely not saying this is forever, because I do enjoy seeing pictures of my baby cousins and how much fun my friends are having at their schools. But in a bigger picture I was busier so-called ‘creeping’ on people I have envied over the years and reading some posts that could ruin my mood for the entire day, just because of one simple post! I wrote this blog to see if I could get some feedback on how I am feeling… am I wrong? Or do others find this an empty satisfaction as well? Please comment! Thank you.