Boston’s 71st Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony-Sofia

A great event to kick off the festivities this year is Boston’s 71st annual tree lighting ceremony.  It will be taking place this friday November 29th from 6pm to 8pm at the Boston common.  Every year a 45 foot white spruce is donated by Nova Scotia to the city of Boston.  The history of Nova Scotia’s annual gift dates back to 1917 when a french cargo ship loaded with explosives collided with a Norwegian ship in Halifax harbor.  Many people were injured and nearly 1,000 lives were lost in this tragic event.  Boston was one of the first cities to offer aid.  This tradition is marked as a mere “thank you” from Nova Scotia to Boston.


Social Networks–Rachael Medeiros

I recently deleted all of my social networks because I found myself more interested in other peoples lives than my own. I feel that this is a common thing to many who have some sort of social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I also feel that not only are people more interested in others lives, but how to out-do them too…who can get a better picture of them drinking out of the infamous ‘red solo cup’ or whose dorm room looks better? So the one solution to take a break from the internet world was the deactivate all accounts. I’m surely not saying this is forever, because I do enjoy seeing pictures of my baby cousins and how much fun my friends are having at their schools. But in a bigger picture I was busier so-called ‘creeping’ on people I have envied over the years and reading some posts that could ruin my mood for the entire day, just because of one simple post! I wrote this blog to see if I could get some feedback on how I am feeling… am I wrong? Or do others find this an empty satisfaction as well? Please comment! Thank you.

Perks of Being a Wallflower–Rachael Medeiros

My suite mates and I attended the showing of Perks of Being a Wallflower a few nights after it had first come out. I hadn’t known anything about it, but my roommate won four tickets to the movie theatre and wanted to see it with us. I didn’t mind much because her and I have a lot of things in common so I trusted her judgment on going to see it, and my was she right! Going into it, I honestly had no idea what it was about so I asked my roommate a general explanation of it, she said, “I’m not quite sure myself, I know it has to do with kids in high school and that it’s been getting good ratings.” and she had me at that. So, we sat down in the theatre  one hour and forty two minutes go by. So many different emotions had overcome me throughout the movie, sadness, happiness, madness etc. All overwhelming feelings that were very strong that I thought I could never feel from a movie. And I know that some of the male students in the class may be reading this thinking “just another chick-flick, and what I have to say to you is, it is NOT what so ever. I would explain it to all, but I suggest to many that you go into it with the same mind-set that I did, nothing. I had no expectations of the movie or anything and it is now considered, in my book, it is one of my favorite movies ever. It had originated from the book, “Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chybosky and was transformed into a movie. I suggest to all ages 16 and older. So, please! Go see it!


Right out my window…(Anicka Galipeau)

Good afternoon everyone!

In case you all haven’t noticed, the leaves on the trees
have started to turn bright orange, red and green in these last few weeks.
Growing up in Vermont my whole life, I tend to associate the foliage with home,
as it reminds me of the beautiful state I am lucky enough to live in. Looking
out my window, I can see a vast plain of color created by the recently changed
leaves. I find it funny that most people seem to overlook the beauty surrounding
us. I have noticed that many people walk with their heads down, instead of
looking up for once to notice the amazingly bright leaves reaching above their
heads as they walk through the Common. Personally, the foliage is a daily
reminder of home, and I have been able to avoid any homesickness because of
this. Every morning I spend a moment to appreciate the beauty of Boston, and I
have found this to be a refreshing way to start my mornings. Sometimes, I
forget that I’m in a city, to be honest, because the trees here are exactly as
beautiful as the ones back home. They seem to be untouched by the city
pollution and busy streets right below their branches. If you haven’t noticed
the foliage yet, next time you’re walking to class, take a moment, look around
and take in your surroundings. Boston is a city, but if you look a little
closer and observe the little things, you will see that Boston is much more beautiful
than you may think.

Fire+Ice – Samantha

Fire+Ice is a great restaurant right off Boylston. Every Monday it is $10 all you can eat college night! I have gone a couple times since I’ve been in Boston. It is a great experience and the food is delicious. There is everything from pasta to a bunch of different seafoods. The way it works is you walk to different stations where they have bowls of meats, seafood, vegetables, sauces, and pastas. You bring the bowl of the different veggies, meats, etc. to this huge circular hot iron where the chefs actually cook the food for you. It is a fun place to go with friends and the music they play is perfect for karaoke. I sang and ate all night.

205 Berkeley Street  Boston, MA 02116

(617) 482-3473

The Paramount – Sofia

Yum! The Paramount is a tiny restaurant that does breakfast in the morning and then turns to a sit down restaurant for dinner, it has been a local favorite since 1937.  This is definitely one of my favorite places around campus to get breakfast.  There are also some great shoppes in this area making it the perfect place to spend a morning.  So far everything I’ve ordered has been great.  All their specialty pancakes, waffles, and french toast are amazzzing as well as their sweet potato fries.  Most mornings they offer smoothies, I am partial to their blueberry banana smoothie and spanish omelet.  They’re located at 44 Charles Street off of BeaconStreet.

College Fest!

So this past weekend was College Fest. A place where there are a plethora of booths offering free stuff. There were booths that had fake mustaches, to free energy drinks, free tickets to any show ( I got mine for the Cirque du Soleil), free T-shirts, laundry detergent, and much more. I loved the friendly energetic atmosphere of it all.  The musical performance were awesome, the people were awesome, the free stuff also awesome. My least favorite part was on Day 2 of the event that i got ambushed by the scary monsters from Canobie Lake Park’s Spooktacular thing or whatever(shown in picture). Overall it was a fun day. There is something similar to it at Fenway Park coming up soon and it’s free! I’ll keep you posted on when that is.

They were all there. ALL OF THEM. and they almost made me cry.

Winsor Dim Sum (Brittney Keophoxay) #2

Winsor Dim Sum was actually a restaurant my friend told me to check out.  I’m still new to the Boston area and I asked her what places she recommended.  The day before classes, she took me out.  I thought it was going to be just like any other Chinese restaurant I’ve been too.  The food is actually REALLY good.  I had really liked the taro bubble tea and the tapioca balls are actually a lot chewier than the ones back home in Providence.   I like to go here from time to time with my friends since Suffolk University is right next to China town.  I highly recommended the steamed buns!  It’s a great place to catch up with friends and eat great food!





Here is the blog.  You will be asked sometimes to post an assignment here and maybe comment publicly for all to read what you have to say and this will be a good way to learn how to write for a wider audience.  You will also be doing journals on Blackboard that only Alethea and I will read.

We would love you to post writing and photos that show how you are experiencing your first semester at Suffolk.  Things you have discovered in Boston, around Suffolk, good places to eat or to go for entertainment.  We are asking that as part of your grade you post at least 10 things on the blog.  If you post more, comment on other people’s posts and encourage other people to post, you will increase your participation grade.