Suffolk’s Library Brittney Keophoxay #6

The University’s library, is by far one of my favorite places at the school.  It’s a quiet place where I am able to get a lot of work done.  I’m a very studious student and I take my studies seriously.  I can never study in my dorm because my bed is there.  I tend to just fall asleep on my bed right away.  My room is very messy due to the little time I have to keep it that way.  The mess is so distracting so it’s best if I not stay in my room for long hours.  Also, if floor mates are being noisy, I can’t get my work done either.  The library scenery is very relaxing as well.  I can actually just sit anywhere at the library, even the floor and get my work done.  There are times where I get too focused with my work, I lose track of time.  The library is a place for me to focus and it’s probably the only place for me to focus.

Finals are coming up and of course that is going to be the first place I am going to head off too!

2 thoughts on “Suffolk’s Library Brittney Keophoxay #6”

  1. The Library is so quiet I sometimes fall asleep in there myslef. My favorite spot is on the second floor in the corner where the couchs are i just sit there and study. its better than going home because if i do i get distracted and start making beats i need to learn how to control that habit lol but cool 🙂

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