Public Policy Brittney Keophoxay #10

Maybe I should major in Public Policy or Political Science.  My mentor majored in Political Science during her time in school.  However, what I major in won’t always mean I will work in the field I studied in.  My former boss was medical student at Brown University and most of us know that Brown is a very prestigious university and most of the students that go there usually major in something in the medical field.  She ended up working at a non-profit as the executive director for the Socio-Economic Center for Southeast Asians.

Hmm, maybe I should apply for Brown’s public policy program after I get my undergraduate degree.  It would be nice because it’s right in Providence, I get to see all my friends, work with RI’s Southeast Asian community, and I pretty sure I can get a job ASAP with my connections.  I still want to apply to UC Berkeley some time in my life because of the high Southeast population, University of Southern California because of the wide range of majors and the University of Washington because of the high Laotian population…and Korean hehe!

Who knows, I might end up interning in San Francisco with SEARAC, or D.C with Legacies of War, go to Wisconsin and study Southeast Asian languages, start something back home, I don’t know.  The possibilities are endless.  My mentors and boss always tell me, it’s not about what’s on your resume when you apply for a high end job/internship, it’s about the people you know and the amount of effort yo put in your work.  I was definitely fortunate enough to have worked for a Bank of America non-profit as my first job with the recommendations of my mentors and everything just went on from there.


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