Social Networks–Rachael Medeiros

I recently deleted all of my social networks because I found myself more interested in other peoples lives than my own. I feel that this is a common thing to many who have some sort of social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I also feel that not only are people more interested in others lives, but how to out-do them too…who can get a better picture of them drinking out of the infamous ‘red solo cup’ or whose dorm room looks better? So the one solution to take a break from the internet world was the deactivate all accounts. I’m surely not saying this is forever, because I do enjoy seeing pictures of my baby cousins and how much fun my friends are having at their schools. But in a bigger picture I was busier so-called ‘creeping’ on people I have envied over the years and reading some posts that could ruin my mood for the entire day, just because of one simple post! I wrote this blog to see if I could get some feedback on how I am feeling… am I wrong? Or do others find this an empty satisfaction as well? Please comment! Thank you.

11 thoughts on “Social Networks–Rachael Medeiros”

  1. Rachael, I actually have been debating on whether or not to do this for a long time. I had the same exact feeling as you- sometimes I would see something that would make me feel like I was missing out, or that I wasn’t having as much fun at school as someone else was. I really want to take a break from the internet and looking at other people’s lives because I could be out having fun and doing other things. One of the first thing I do when I wake up is check Facebook and Twitter, and it is true- sometimes seeing one little thing can ruin your whole day. I agree with you completely and I am tired of letting social networking put a damper on my day.

  2. Hey! I was reading through some of the blog posts and happened to stumble across this. I currently do not have a facebook because a few years ago it got deactivated. Someone tried to log on to my account multiple times and unfortunately I could not recover it. At first I was really upset about it and contemplated making a new account but ended up waiting a while. A while turned into 3 years and ever since i’ve been without facebook. After not having facebook for a while a realized how much time I wasted looking through peoples pictures and like you said, they don’t always make you feel so great about yourself. Obviously facebook is a great way to stay in touch with people you don’t see on a daily basis but i’ve found that I stay in touch with my really close friends just by texting and calling people.

  3. You have a very interesting take on social media. I understand the thought that cutting all ties can make you feel free, but I disagree with deactivating everything. Maybe it’s my personal preference, but I am a big fan of social media, especially twitter. I use twitter and facebook to stay in touch with friends who are away at school or back in my hometown. I recommend that if you do choose to reactivate your accounts that you just defriend or unfollow people who aren’t important to you. Keep it to close friends and family members and I am sure you will have a much better experience with social media.

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