Current Work Using Nikola Tesla’s Free Energy Ideas


Nikola Tesla was an inventor in the late 1800s who developed a way to produce wireless energy using a coil he designed. Although the Tesla Coil does not appear to have a current use, a new group called Fix the World Project is promoting developing Tesla Coils to create free energy in underdeveloped countries. This blog post will review Tesla’s invention, and will describe a modern effort to use Tesla’s coil as part of a free energy project.

Nikola Tesla’s Work in Wireless Energy and Power Transfer

Nikola Tesla was a scientist and inventor known for his patents and grand ideas about bringing the world “free energy”. The invention that was to produce wireless energy is called the Tesla Coil. It was impressive that he invented this in 1891, before traditional iron-core transformers were invented. It is made of a primary and a secondary coil, and each has its own “capacitor”, or energy storage. The primary coil is hooked up to an energy source. The wireless energy is developed when the primary coil’s capacitor soaks up energy like a sponge until it is full, then discharges this energy. This appears to be a zap between the coils, and produces so much energy it can light up a light bulb.

The trick with the Tesla Coil is to time the energy transfer from the first coil to the second coil at the perfect time, so as to maximize the energy transfer. However, in reality, the Tesla Coil does not have any current applications, although a version of it is used in radios and televisions.

Modern Tesla Free Energy Devices

Even though the Tesla Coil must be hooked up to a power supply, theoretically, the Tesla Coil could be very efficient and sustain much energy development for little input. Therefore, it has been referred to as “free energy”, although it is acknowledged that it is not entirely free, because some equipment and a power supply is needed.

Modern efforts to use the Tesla Coil have culminated into the humanitarian movement called the “Fix the World Project“. Their mission is to “focus on projects dealing with energy access, economic hardship, and basic humanitarian aid”. The video below shows examples of their charity work.

They are promoting a book on their web site that shows how to build a quantum energy generator. This group even built one, and they put a video on the web of how it was working.

Current Controversy About Tesla’s Device

Even though this video is impressive, there are detractors. RealitiesWatch pointed out that the device in this video might have been a hoax. They explain it well with this labeled picture.


RealitiesWatch pointed pointed out that it looks like this machine was actually plugged into electrical current during the demo. Critics say this whole design is a fraud, and the organization is not a charity, but is raising money by asking inventors to pay them fees for consultation.


In conclusion, although Tesla’s idea of free energy is attractive, his invention was never used. This appealing idea is getting more attention now, in light of energy conservation issues. Although the Fix the World Project is promoting the use of the Tesla Coil to solve world energy problems, many feel that they are a hoax, and their efforts are self-serving.

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