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Nourish your Soul

Nourish your Soul

Your journey can be all consuming but remember to enjoy it and nourish your soul along the way. It does not have to be spiritual.  What makes you happy?  If you had a free day, what would you do?  When was the last time you did that?  What nourishes your soul may be...
Acknowledge Your Fear

Acknowledge Your Fear

Fear can negatively affect your learning, performance, and overall well-being.  It can also cause you to avoid risk or stepping outside your comfort zone.  Are you playing it safe by repeating something that you have been good at in the past,  being complacent and...
Be Positive

Be Positive

What is your outlook or perspective during your journey?  If it tends to be negative, try to change your perspective from negative to positive.  Quiet your inner critic and negative thoughts.  You know – those voices in your head that say you can’t do it. Don’t...
Be Present

Be Present

On your journey, try to be present in the moment without obsessing about the past or worrying about the future.  Be in the moment.  Do not judge.  You can’t change what happened in the past and you can’t control what will happen in the future.  When facing a...
Commit to a Plan

Commit to a Plan

There is a difference between wanting to achieve a goal and committing to it.   You don’t get what you want, you get what you plan and work for.  I planned and committed to running a marathon and then I did it.  End of story?  Hardly . . . there is a little more to...