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Sh*t happens.  Figuratively and sometimes literally (if you have ever experimented with ingesting a running gel you know what I mean).  Sometimes things don’t go as planned or don’t go the way you wanted them to.  Maybe what you had envisioned was not what occurred....
Be Positive

Be Positive

What is your outlook or perspective during your journey?  If it tends to be negative, try to change your perspective from negative to positive.  Quiet your inner critic and negative thoughts.  You know – those voices in your head that say you can’t do it. Don’t...
Train your Mind

Train your Mind

When you think of the training involved in running a marathon you most likely think of the physical aspects of it.  In law school, training your mind to “think like a lawyer” may initially focus on learning the doctrinal law. The physical aspect of running 26.2 miles...