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Commit to a Plan

Commit to a Plan

There is a difference between wanting to achieve a goal and committing to it.   You don’t get what you want, you get what you plan and work for.  I planned and committed to running a marathon and then I did it.  End of story?  Hardly . . . there is a little more to...


Set yourself up for success. There is so much we can’t control in our journey, so focus on what you can.  Don’t self-sabotage.  Get the right materials.  Perhaps you have read the book, The Wild, when the protagonist embarks on hiking the Pacific Crest trail by...


We are often so busy that instead of celebrating a moment or achievement, we start focusing on the next task.  Enjoy the moment.  While on your journey, soak it all in.  Celebrate along the way – small and big accomplishments. The end of your journey may be...
Choose You

Choose You

Sometimes you have to put yourself first. Other days you may be at the bottom of the list. We often put everyone above ourselves–your kids, your husband/wife/partner, your job, your school, your client, etc. Although it may seem counterintuitive, choosing yourself...
Be Flexible

Be Flexible

Being flexible can set your free. Practice being flexible in everyday life and it will help you on your journey. We can’t control everything so don’t waste energy trying to. When training for a marathon you need to follow a training schedule; however, you also need to...