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Just breathe.  It sounds so simple, yet it can be difficult at times.  Often when things get challenging, the first thing we do is hold our breath, increasing tension and stress.  When faced with a challenge along your journey, focus on your breath.  Breathing can...


Before moving on to your next journey, take a moment and reflect on the journey you were just on.  What did you learn?  What would you do differently?  What would you do the same?  By reflecting, we learn things we can apply to our next journey. You can also reflect...
Be Vulnerable

Be Vulnerable

“Be strong” is something that is often drilled into us from a young age; however, there is also strength in vulnerability.  I’m a private person and don’t like to show any weakness or vulnerability.  By fundraising to receive a race number for the marathon I had to...


Along your journey, trust yourself, trust your training, and trust that you will reach your destination.  It can be difficult to know who or what to trust, i.e. a coach, a trainer, a doctor, a teacher, a boss, etc.  Putting yourself in the hands of a higher power...


You must believe in yourself.  Believe in your journey and that you will reach the finish line.  Sports fans often exhibit strong beliefs in their teams and their team’s success, no matter what their prior record.  Whatever your own history is, it does not forecast...