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Before moving on to your next journey, take a moment and reflect on the journey you were just on.  What did you learn?  What would you do differently?  What would you do the same?  By reflecting, we learn things we can apply to our next journey.

You can also reflect along the way.  While running long distances I would often reflect on all my other runs and what I had learned.  I would reflect on how far I had come.  The week leading up to my marathon, I took a moment and looked at my training calendar that had been on my desk for the last six months.  Each run I completed I literally put a check mark next to it.  It was a visual that helped me reflect on all the runs I had done.  It was six months of training to complete my journey!

In law school, reflect on what you have learned along the way.  For example, before a final exam, reflect on how much you have learned in the course.  Before the bar exam, reflect on everything you did to prepare you for that test and know that you are ready.  Whatever your journey is and however long it took you to complete it, reflect on how far you have come.