Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing

Kayla Shepard

Our world is in frantic need to suckle every last bit of gas from the earth, in the process of extracting natural gases the procedure of Hydraulic Fracturing was created, which is the process of drilling thousands of feet below the Earths surface and pumping millions of gallons of water at certain chemical helpers into a well. Natural gas is crucial to the world’s goal of clean energy in our future. To obtain natural gas from the earth one must use hydraulic fracturing, which is not the most environmentally friendly process to our earth,

“Onshore ‘unconventional’ natural gas production requiring hydraulic fracturing, which injects a mix of water, particles, and chemicals underground to create fractures through which gas can flow for collection, is estimated to increase by 45% between 2007 and 2030. An estimated 60-80% of natural gas wells drilled in the next decade will require hydraulic fracturing” (Investor Environmental Health Network).

Fortunately EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) is working with other forces to keep the danger out of Hydraulic Fracturing and keep our population and earth safe. EPA is working on education our population on the possible dangers of Hydraulic Fracturing such as:

  • Pressure on surface water and ground water supplies from the extraction of large amounts water used drilling and fracturing.
  • Corruption of underground drinking water and surface waters from toxic spills
  • Air pollution from release of toxins, unstable organic compounds, or greenhouse gases.

To make sure the Hydraulic Fracturing has as minimal hazards as possible EPA is making sure the use of diesel fueling is properly permitted, “The Energy Policy Act of 2005 excluded hydraulic fracturing, except when diesel fuels are used, for oil, gas or geothermal production from regulation under the UIC program” (

There are arguably both pro’s and con’s to the Hydraulic Fracturing process. Stated in an article in the Huffington Post, author Jordan Howard stated some reasonable facts about Hydraulic Fracturing,

“The energy potential for shale gas is undeniable. It is among the fastest growing energy sources in the country: In 2000, shale gas represented 1 percent of natural gas supplies in the country. Today, that number is 30 percent and rising.”


Some stated pro’s to Hydraulic Fracturing are: potential energy independence, it burns cleaner air than other fossil fuels, more jobs are created for citizens, and finally during this process the nation is buying time to create renewable energy.

Though there are also just as many con’s to this process such as: water pollution, leaks more emissions than coal, could be linked to more earth quakes on earth, companies don’t have to state what type of chemicals are being used, and finally it requires too much water usage.


Howard, Jordan. “Fracking Pros and Cons: Weighing in on Hydraulic Fracturing.”Huffington Post [Washington] 11 Oct. 2011, U.S. ed.: n. pag. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. <>.


“Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas Development.” Investor Environmental

Health Network. N.p., 2013. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. <>.


“Natural Gas Extraction – Hydraulic Fracturing.” EPA. N.p., 14 Feb. 2013. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. <>.


Hydraulic Fracturing Pumping  Pollution due to Hydraulic Fracturing

One thought on “Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing

  1. Paul Felix Schott


    Hydraulic Fracturing a Danger to us All.

    Why would anyone think we have water to waste.

    Some one forgot to tell all about all the poison chemicals that this ungodly lisa jackson gave a green light to put in are ground and water.
    And help the Industry, so to they will never have to disclose all the poison chemicals they have used.

    Only the wicked in mind Leaders in this Nation and around the world would let anyone Pipe Pollution into the ground to get gas in return from the Ground. Most all scientist have know this for many years that this will end safe drinking water for all that are in the area of where they are fracturing, in which Millions of Gallons of Dangerous Poison Chemically Treated Water are forced underground to break up rock and free gas. We need regulations from GODLY People that will stop 10,000+ wells a year drilled using hydraulic fracturing to free and make the Dangerous Poison Chemicals underground into gas. The primarily affect will be unsafe drinking water and many will become sick. THE HEALTH OF MANY WILL DETERIORATE because of A Few Wicked Greedy Leaders. Those who have made these decisions do not know Jesus Christ. Soon He will say i know you not. They belong in jail soon it will be hell for them. What sick in mind would let or want anyone to put Dangerous Poison Chemicals underground or into the ground anywhere.

    The wicked are trying to sell and tell all if it is not near your home or land it is safe. This is the biggest ling of horse manure. Do they think most of We The People are that dumb or that most Americans lack any intelligence at all. What ever is put on or in the ground makes it way to our underground Aquifers, Rivers, Lakes and the Oceans. Every Scientist on Earth knows this and most all that have made it to eighth grade in school.

    So why would any Leader with a good healthy mind ever say or want this?

    Vote any wicked that has anything to do with this out of office they work for WE THE PEOPLE. Then need to go to jail. Soon it will be not jail but Hell.

    United We Stand In GOD We Trust

    The Lord’s Little Helper
    Paul Felix Schott
    Wicked Leaders telling their friends as long as you can cover it up and it will not get back to me it is ok with me. Are you sure we will not go to jail for making money by Polluting the ground and water. Of course not we make the laws to fit our needs not the health and welfare of others or as they used to say We The People. Its now the Wicked Leaders and rich Rule. Till our Lord GOD comes!

    Solar Energy the way to go.
    Many States Are and are Banning Fracking.

    Archimedes and Albert Einstein
    These two are at the top of the list of the World’s Greatest Scientists,
    Viewed by Scientist around the World.

    Sad that for the last 25 years or so of every teacher asked no matter what
    Grade k through 16. At least 80% of them did not know Archimedes. Even sadder 90%
    of them could not tell you what one of the most Brilliant Scientist to ever
    live on Earth. Won the Nobel Prize for.

    It was for the work Albert Einstein did to show the World it could get
    Free Energy, Electric from the SUN. (THE PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT).


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