The COVID -19 pandemic is a global event unlike any other experienced in the contemporary era. It’s size, scope, reach, and implications are enormous, ongoing, and unequal. Outcomes—from how people all over the world will live their daily lives to whether democracy will survive—are all in question.
Come into our virtual classroom to delve deeper into the pandemic-related themes we will explore in this survey course for everyone.
The COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating consequences for countries around the world. Refugees and migrants face challenges similar to, but even more dire than those of many of their host populations. Already impacted by a massive disruption in their lives, including greater levels of food insecurity, poverty, and woefully inadequate access to essential services that would help mitigate the health crisis, refugees and migrants face a grim future. Unfortunately, these fragile populations are often invisible in their suffering. Will COVID expose these issues? Will the crisis fuel greater conflict around the world as prices rise and incomes fall? Will the crisis transform into a call to action to increase health and social protections?
Wednesday, July 22nd