What Direction for American Democracy?

Thursday, September 15, 2022,

2:00 pm – 3:00pm

Sargent Hall, Fifth Floor Commons

120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA

What Direction for American Democracy? Protecting and Expanding the Right to Vote at a Moment of Choice

What does a fully inclusive, fully participatory democracy look like? Is it possible to have such a system in the United States? In this talk, Miles Rapoport, executive director of 100% Democracy: An Initiative for Universal Voting, will discuss his proposals for reforms to reimagine American Democracy and engage more citizens in the political process. He will also discuss his work as Secretary of State of Connecticut, 1995-1998, his work in the Connecticut legislature 1984-1994, and his work as President of Demos and Common Cause.

This event is free and open to the public.

Registration is not required.

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