There is a widespread expectation that the Democrats will suffer losses in the 2022 midterms at all levels. This would not be unusual, since it is a regular pattern in which the party of the president in office loses ground in midterm elections. The political environment is challenging, with pain at the gas pump, inflation stretching paychecks, pandemic fatigue, disappointment with what Biden has not been able to deliver, the war in Ukraine, and bitter partisan divisions over hot button issues. Will Biden’s performance amidst all this bad news be rewarded or punished at the polls? The closing episode of this series will examine the state of the state —and the race— as we approach midterms.
Week 6: Midterm Pulse Check: Can Biden’s Party Beat the Odds?
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Live via Zoom at 6:00 pm
Upon assuming office, President Biden proposed an ambitious equity agenda, designed to address systemic racial, gender, ethnic, and economic disparities. One year into his Presidency, we will examine his record. He has made some historic picks to lead his Administration and nominated the first black woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. However, the Biden Administration’s efforts to address voting rights, immigration policy, and economic inequalities have been stalled by a deeply divided Congress. And even a much scaled-down social spending bill—which would have delivered some of the most consequential investments in the social safety net since the New Deal—seems dead in the water.
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