December 22

Prof. Bokhari’s lectures at Brandeis and MFA

One lecture at Brandeis University
The Gendered Dimensions of Ragas: The Male and Female modes of Harmony In Classical Indian Music, Poetry and Painting
6th March 11 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
Slosberg Music Center, Room 212

Two lectures at the MFA this spring:
Sultanate and Mughal Architecture
7th March 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Rajput Paintings and Palaces
14th March 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

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December 13

Prof. Bokhari’s recent publications and presentations


Prof. Bokhari has the following accomplishments to report:

  • A book chapter titled “Between Patron and Piety: Jahan Ara Begum’s Sufi Affiliations and Articulations” in Sufism and Society: Arrangements of the Mystical in the Muslim World, 1200-1800 C.E., ed. John J. Curry and Erik S. Ohlander (London and New York: Routledge, August, 2011).
  • She also published an article titled  “Imperial Transgressions and Spiritual Investitures: Female Agency in Seventeenth Century Mughal India.” Journal of Persianate Studies, Special Issue, (June 2011, Brill ). [Imperial Transgressions and Spiritual Investitures page 1]
  • “The ‘Light’ of the Timuria: Jahan Ara Begum’s Patronage, Piety and Poetry in 17th C. Mughal India.”Marg Art Journal, 60.1 (2008): 52-61. [The “Light” of the Timuria page 1]

Media appearance

Prof. Bokhari has helped to create a documentary film scheduled for broadcast on PBS in 2012. Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World”  a documentary film exploring themes such as the Word, Space, Ornament, Color, and Water, the film takes audiences on a global journey through Islamic regions to hear the stories behind the masterworks of Islamic art and architecture. (

Conference Presentation

  • “Chasing Legacy: Jahan Ara Begum’s( 1614-1681) Loci of Memory at Begum Dalani, Ajmer (1638), Chahar Burj, Lahore (1646) and the Mullah Shah Khanaqah, Srinagar, Kashmir (1648).” Trust for Historic Arts and Architecture Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan, November 11-13, 2011.
  • “Sexual Desire as Mystical Confessions in Jahan Ara Begam’s (1614-1681) Autobiographical Sufi Writings.” Women’s Autobiography in Islamic Societies: Representation and Identity. The American University Sharjah, Dubai, 29-31 October, 2011
  • “Ars Erotica: ‘Visualizing’ the Sensual Sūfi in 16th-18th C. Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Miniature Paintings, Poetry and Sūfi narratives” Harvard University: Aga Khan Program Fellowship Lecture Series, April 22, 2011.
December 9

Allan Tow on restaurant and political activism in Chinatown

Our colleague Allan Tow (Education) contributed an article in the Chronicle of the Chinese Historical Society of New England (CHSNE Chronicle), Fall 2011, Vol.17, No.1, pp8-11. It is titled “From Take-Out Counter to Podium: Journey’s into Public Life.” The article describes several activists in New England who were owners of Chinese restaurants (including the well-known China Pearl in Boston’s Chinatown).

These businessmen forged links to the political establishment of the area, from the late Senator Ted Kennedy to current Boston Mayor Menino. These owners were not only operating their businesses, but at the same time they were working to improve the Chinese-American community.

Please check back for an excerpt.

December 8

Simone Chun in Suffolk Journal

Our colleague in the Government Department, Simone Chun, is featured in the latest issue of The Suffolk Journal. The title of the piece, “Professor acts upon worker’s rights in South Korea,” describes the worker protest movement that has caught the attention of all of South Korea most of this year.

Feeling they were unjustly treated when their company fired 400 employees and outsourced their work to the Philippines, a long-lasting and highly visible strike action against the company started. One woman worker spent 309 days living in a tall crane at the work-site, supported by other strikers on the ground. Her protest ended in early November when some accommodation between the workers and the company was reached.

The article describes Simone’s on-going efforts to publicize the strike and rally support for the fired workers. Our congratulations to Simone.

October 14

Spring 2012 Course Offerings

Advising has already started.  Asian Studies majors and minors please contact Prof. Da Zheng at
Interested in seeing a sample syllabus?  Visit Asian Studies Syllabus Sample.

ADFA 345 Art of India
Afshan Bokhari (W) 6:00-8:40 p.m. Arlington 259

AS210/SOC327/CHIN314 Traditional Chinese Society from 1800 to 1949
Janet Scott (Tu)(Th) 2:30-3:45 p.m. Room TBA

CJN 293 Hong Kong Cinema
Micky Lee (M) 5:30-8:10 p.m. Room TBA

GVT 411 Politics of North Korea
Simone Chun (Tu)(Th) 4:00-5:15 p.m. Room TBA

HST 348A Samurai: History, Literature, and Film
Yong Xue (M) 1:00-3:40 p.m. Room TBA

PSYCH 247 Asian Perspectives on Health and Work
Sukanya Ray (M)(W)(F) 12:00-12:50 p.m. Donahue 207

CHIN 102A Elementary Chinese II
S. Yang (M)(W)(F) 9:00-9:50 a.m. Room TBA

CHIN 102B Elementary Chinese II
C. Dakin (M)(W)(F) 12:00-12:50 p.m. Room TBA

CHIN 202A Intermediate Chinese II
S. Yang (M)(W)(F) 2:00-2:50 p.m. Room TBA

JPN 102A Elementary Japanese II
E. Takino (M)(W)(F) 8:00-8:50 a.m. Room TBA

JPN 102B Elementary Japanese II
S. Passaretti (M)(W)(F) 12:00-12:50 p.m. Room TBA

JPN 202A Intermediate Japanese II
S. Passaretti (M)(W)(F) 10:00-10:50 a.m. Room TBA

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June 19

Rising star Simone Chun

Assistant Professor Simone Chun has been selected to participate in the USC-Korea Foundation “Rising Stars” Mentorship Workshop in Fall 2011! She will be joining 15 Korean studies scholars from all fields in the social sciences and humanities and from institutions throughout the United States and Canada.
“This workshop will bring together the next generation of Korean studies scholars in either postdoctoral or assistant professor positions, along with senior scholars in the discipline. The intention is to link this new generation with each other, provide feedback on their work from senior scholars, and in particular mentor these younger scholars through the tenure process.”