January 6

Summer Sonata of Yaoyao Lou


Yaoyao Lou (BA 2015) received the KCC Company scholarship in 2015. Yaoyao was a media studies major at the Department  of Communication and Journalism. She graduated in May 2015 with the Latin Honors summa cum laude.

At Suffolk, she worked on Korea-related projects such as proposing a new media company that produces reality shows for Korean pop icons in Business of Media and a presentation on Korean business etiquette in Presentation  Skills.

She spent six weeks in Seoul taking language lessons at Yonsei University in the morning and interning at Chosun TV in the afternoon.  Shown above is a video that she made for Suffolk to document her days in Seoul.

Yaoyao got placed in the second level class where the teacher instructs in Korean only. Most students in her class were Korean Americans who would like to know about their heritage. Their class made a video called  “Where are our classmates?” (need to refresh the page if you see a blank screen) and won the Talents Prize.


July 16

Student receiving Jongha Student Scholarship Foundation

Suffolk has a student studying in Seoul, Korea this summer.  He is Neilson Lam, a business major specializing in management, who is at Yonsei University, one of our partner schools.

Neilson was awarded a scholarship from the Jongha Student Scholarship Foundation, established by the KCC Company, which has been giving scholarships to Suffolk students for the past four years.

In June Neilson arrived in Seoul to begin the summer term and received the scholarship money during a meeting at KCC Company.  Our congratulations to Neilson and our continued thanks to KCC.

Story on the College’s homepage.

Neilson Lam

(From L to R) SH Lee, President of KCC Company; CY Lee, Chairman of KCC Company; Suffolk student Neilson Lam: Ronald Suleski, Director of the Rosenberg Institute at Suffolk University.

February 14

Richard M. Rosenberg Asian Studies Scholarship

Richard M. Rosenberg Asian Studies Scholarship


We are delighted to announce the establishment of the Richard M. Rosenberg Asian Studies Scholarship. With a generous donation from Mr. Rosenberg, the Scholarship offers assistance to Suffolk students in their study abroad in Asia.


To be eligible for consideration, applicants should be a fulltime Suffolk student, with a GPA of 3.0 or above, having declared a major or minor in Asian Studies.


For 2014, the application deadline is February 28. Students who are planning to study abroad in Asia before the end of 2014 are encouraged to apply. Please submit a resume and a short essay of about 500 words, stating your academic interest and plan of study abroad. The application material should be submitted to Dr. Ronald Suleski, Rosenberg Institute for East Asian Studies, 41 Temple Street, Boston, MA 02114. Materials may be sent by email to: rsuleski@suffolk.edu.


Rosenberg Institute and Asian Studies Program

January 24

Pat Moriarty – a fan of Japanese music!

Pat Moriarty is a double major in History and Asian Studies. He spent last year at Sophia University in Tokyo and made good progress in the Japanese language. Now back at Suffolk, he has an internship with the on-line magazine JaME which specializes in Japanese contemporary music of all genres. Pat works maintaining the web-site, and also contributes to the magazine.


Follow the link below to see a copy of his recent review of the Japanese metal band Dir en grey from Osaka.

November 5

Open House 2013

Asian Studies Program had its Fall 2013 Open House on October 27.  Students who studied abroad in China, Japan, and Korea in 2012-2013 shared their experiences with the audience. Their Powerpoint presentations were delightful and very informative.


Carl Anderson talking about China

In addition, Professors Chris Dakin and Ron Suleski as well as Levina Huang from TECO in Boston spoke about various study abroad programs in Asia.

October 9

Korea Summer 2013

This past summer of 2013 Suffolk University had four students who spent the summer in Seoul Korea. They each received a scholarship and participated in an internship, while studying the Korean language at Yonsei University.

Korea Summer 2013

(L to R) Sanghyun Lee (President and CEO of KCC Corporation which provided the scholarships through their Chongha Scholarship Foundation); Shinhye Lee (Mr. Lee’s daughter who was a student at Suffolk in 2012); Suffolk student Christopher Maynard; Suffolk student Kathy Liu; C.Y. Lee (Chairman and Founder of KCC Corporation, who presented the checks); Suffolk student Elisa Lim; Suffolk student Kaila Millett; Sunshik Min (President and CEO of YBM Corporation, which provided some of the internship placements.)