Amanda Doran

Hi everyone, I’m Amanda! I come from North Reading, MA, about a half hour away from Boston. My major is undecided but I am leaning towards criminal justice. I love all types of music from indie to rock, and I was in the swim team and did mock trial in high school. I love to laugh and just have a good time. I am really laid back and easygoing. My interests include dogs, food, concerts, reading, and marine life. I love to go on adventures and explore the city. I live in 10 West so come say hi sometime and maybe we can go on one together!

Kevin Vega

Hello Everyone, My name is Kevin Vega
but you can call me by my nickname Vegas! haha
Well What can I say, I’m originally from boston I am Salvadorian, which means I am bilingual and fluent in both spanish and english. I love cars and I am pretty much and enthusiast when it comes to those. Overall I am a pretty cool person who likes to have good laughs and is open to everyone. And that’s about it!

Anicka Galipeau

Hello everyone! My name is Anicka Galipeau, but feel free to call me by my nickname,
Nikko. I was originally born in Middlebury, Vermont but I have lived most of my
life in Weybridge, Vermont. Coming from a small town, I am in awe living in
Boston, and I try to use my spare time to explore this massive city I am
fortunate enough to live in. I live with my 2 younger brothers, Wyatt and
Morgan, my mom, Leslie and my father, Scott. My major at Suffolk University in
undecided, but I hope to study in the environmental science field one day. In
Vermont, skiing and snowboarding is quite common, seeing that three fourths of
our weather is below 50 degrees, and we are lucky enough to enjoy up to 5
months of snow. I spend most of my winter, snowboarding and attempting to
navigate in massive amounts of snow, while I spend my summer at our local lake,
Branbury Beach. I have found the city to be unbelievably different from
Vermont, but I have enjoyed my time here so far. I appreciate that everything
is open, past 6 pm, and I take advantage of all the opportunities as bet as I
possibly can.


Here is the blog.  You will be asked sometimes to post an assignment here and maybe comment publicly for all to read what you have to say and this will be a good way to learn how to write for a wider audience.  You will also be doing journals on Blackboard that only Alethea and I will read.

We would love you to post writing and photos that show how you are experiencing your first semester at Suffolk.  Things you have discovered in Boston, around Suffolk, good places to eat or to go for entertainment.  We are asking that as part of your grade you post at least 10 things on the blog.  If you post more, comment on other people’s posts and encourage other people to post, you will increase your participation grade.