
Hi everyone, since being here at Suffolk I volunteer at the Kwong Kow Chinese School located in China Town. I volunteer as a teacher’s assistance in helping the student’s 2nd-3rd grade with Math and English help. If you’re ever looking for a place to volunteer I strongly suggest looking into this program. Everyone is extremely nice and it’s great way to get involved with our local community, especially if you live in 150 Tremont because we are relatively close. The school is on 87 Tyler Street. If you are interested you can contact them on their local website: http://www.kwongkow.org/contactus.html or find more information about the school at the S.O.U.L.S office located on the 2nd floor of Donahue.

Bushido Code ! !


The word “Bushido”, is a Japanese term. Bushido means “Way of the Warrior” or ” Way of the Samurai”


There are a total of 7 codes listed, each one them is studied and upheld by ancient samurai in the past. In a way Bushido, is a form of conduct, with it’s series of codes and ideologies that a warrior follows.  As I embrace the warrior life, these codes are part of the ideologies and philosophies of my training

Motivation ! ! !

People always wonder why I go hard, or always wonder why I push myself to far limits. One answer : Motivation ! Sometimes in life, all you need is motivation to get you all fired up to allow yourself to do what you do best. However some people ask me where does that motivation come from. In other words, who do I fight for ? What drives me forward ? In short, I have my reasons, but I have plenty of reasons to drive myself forward.


“Sometimes in life, the only person you can believe in is yourself.”

A Warrior’s Heart


People always asked me where my martial arts abilities come from, where do I get my power and athleticism ? All of those comes from my training as a fighter.  I embrace the life under Bushido, and I dedicate my life to training and understanding through peace and martial arts. My body – a weapon , my skills –  through efforts, my mind – dedicated, my soul –  united with God. All these together form of what I am today: A Warrior


“To be a great warrior, you have to be more than just a good fighter, sometimes listening is harder than fighting, a true warrior must do both.” – Master Ubelon

Plans for the Future :)


People always ask this question : What is your plans after college ? Many of us may have an understanding on what we want, we may have an idea on our fields, but many of us see the future to be very vague.  Most of us don’t know what lies ahead after college and that is perfectly fine. But the best part about this is that this the human experience ! Things change over time, so does opportunities and futures.


I want to work as video game designer and programmer. A very good field, field with tons of creatively. The gaming company i wish to work for is Bioware, a Video Gaming company, well-known for its story telling, and it’s deep connection to characters. All of Bioware’s work comes from hard dedication and commitment, something that I admire and hopefully someday be a part of. If it is possible, I would love to use my martial arts abilities to hopefully create something wonderful !


Hello people ! !


My Name is Forbes Lau. and I am a student in Mr. Solomans SU 101 class. I am a freshman who has very big plans  here at Suffolk ! I know my journey will be rough one. But like high school onto college, this is just the beginning. A beginning that I am looking forward to complete here in my journey.  People say the greatest journeys begin with a first step, my journey is no different. I am standing here, right now, in one of the most popular schools in Boston, and I will do my very best, fight my very hardest to succeed here.

Right out my window…(Anicka Galipeau)

Good afternoon everyone!

In case you all haven’t noticed, the leaves on the trees
have started to turn bright orange, red and green in these last few weeks.
Growing up in Vermont my whole life, I tend to associate the foliage with home,
as it reminds me of the beautiful state I am lucky enough to live in. Looking
out my window, I can see a vast plain of color created by the recently changed
leaves. I find it funny that most people seem to overlook the beauty surrounding
us. I have noticed that many people walk with their heads down, instead of
looking up for once to notice the amazingly bright leaves reaching above their
heads as they walk through the Common. Personally, the foliage is a daily
reminder of home, and I have been able to avoid any homesickness because of
this. Every morning I spend a moment to appreciate the beauty of Boston, and I
have found this to be a refreshing way to start my mornings. Sometimes, I
forget that I’m in a city, to be honest, because the trees here are exactly as
beautiful as the ones back home. They seem to be untouched by the city
pollution and busy streets right below their branches. If you haven’t noticed
the foliage yet, next time you’re walking to class, take a moment, look around
and take in your surroundings. Boston is a city, but if you look a little
closer and observe the little things, you will see that Boston is much more beautiful
than you may think.

Royale Boston/K’naan – Nas

First time going to the Royale Boston and I must say I was not disappointed! I saw K’naan there and by far one of the best concerts I’ve been to. If you are not too sure who he is please google/youtube him! Great venue and the location is even better. Right inside the theatre district and not too far from Downtown. Highly recommend going there and please do listen to K’naan!

Harbor Shot – Ronie

Harbor Shot

Walking from south station after leaving a friend I stubbled on this beautiful contrast of colors.  It was a nice warm day here in Boston so I decided to walk back home and take a few different routes just to see different things.  When I spotted this contrast of the rich red and the deep blue, i took out my phone and snipped this picture.  the way the sun hit it made the colors really pop!  i did some edits with snapseed an app i have to crisp the colors and sharpen the water but i have to thank the good timing to this one.  Beautiful scene at the boston harbor and must for everyone that wants to come and layback and watch the boats come in and out.