Mediation Advice

Merlin\’s Magic – Reiki Light Touch


One of the best ways for me to relax is through meditation. Although I don’t practice the traditional mediation like many others, there is more than just one way to meditate. The key is variety, try to look at other options outside the box. Some other meditation forms are:  standing, walking, breathing, reflecting, etc. Try to look for area that suits you. I personally prefer to stand at a window or rooftop and just stare at the world moving. I find it very relaxing as it helps center my mind and open my heart to the wonders of life.


The Lake of Reflection

In Boston Common, far down the Common Park, there is a beautiful lake at night that I personally call the “Lake of Reflection”.  As the name implies, the lake reflects everything in Boston, from the night sky, to the beautiful lights of the city. Also this lake allows me to reflect on how life has turned out for me. Some times in life, it is best to have a moment where you can reflect on how your life turned out, and make any improvements or release any unpleasant  memories. This is a good place to reflect and a good place to relax and kick back. I strongly recommend everyone go to this lake on their free time and enjoy its beauty.

Drawings ! ! !


One of my drawings I am doing for my major which is video game design. In this field, art is a huge factor that is beloved in many companies. The gaming companies love creativity, and they love variety in their drawings. I never was a good drawer before. I used to draw basic sketches or basic traces. I never could draw characters like this one on hand. Apparently the idea of practice makes perfect really does work out and it shows through the work.

Social Networks–Rachael Medeiros

I recently deleted all of my social networks because I found myself more interested in other peoples lives than my own. I feel that this is a common thing to many who have some sort of social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I also feel that not only are people more interested in others lives, but how to out-do them too…who can get a better picture of them drinking out of the infamous ‘red solo cup’ or whose dorm room looks better? So the one solution to take a break from the internet world was the deactivate all accounts. I’m surely not saying this is forever, because I do enjoy seeing pictures of my baby cousins and how much fun my friends are having at their schools. But in a bigger picture I was busier so-called ‘creeping’ on people I have envied over the years and reading some posts that could ruin my mood for the entire day, just because of one simple post! I wrote this blog to see if I could get some feedback on how I am feeling… am I wrong? Or do others find this an empty satisfaction as well? Please comment! Thank you.

Mario Testino; In Your Face–Rachael Medeiros

For one of my photojournalism classes, we were surprised with a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts. He explained to us that it was an exhibit on modern photography of celebrities around the world. As soon as I heard that, I couldn’t wait to get there, seeing as fashion photography had always been an interest of mine. When we had arrived at MFA, we walked to the exhibit and you’re greeted with an array of different videos about Mario Testino himself. I could’t even finish because I was overwhelmed with the glass doors that were just to the right of me. I could see the ginormous photos hung on the wall that he had taken, so I opened up the large doors and went inside. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen! So many different colors and textures he used in each picture were breathe taking, I had never seen anyone photograph a human being in such a way he does. After you enter multiple rooms filled with billboard sized photographs of different well-known celebrities, you exit into an very interesting gift shop, filled with books of even more amazing photographs done by Testino and many camera related items. Overall it was an awesome experience and recommend to anyone who is interested in photography!


Mario Testino; In Your Face– Art Exhibit at Museum of Fine Arts.


Perks of Being a Wallflower–Rachael Medeiros

My suite mates and I attended the showing of Perks of Being a Wallflower a few nights after it had first come out. I hadn’t known anything about it, but my roommate won four tickets to the movie theatre and wanted to see it with us. I didn’t mind much because her and I have a lot of things in common so I trusted her judgment on going to see it, and my was she right! Going into it, I honestly had no idea what it was about so I asked my roommate a general explanation of it, she said, “I’m not quite sure myself, I know it has to do with kids in high school and that it’s been getting good ratings.” and she had me at that. So, we sat down in the theatre  one hour and forty two minutes go by. So many different emotions had overcome me throughout the movie, sadness, happiness, madness etc. All overwhelming feelings that were very strong that I thought I could never feel from a movie. And I know that some of the male students in the class may be reading this thinking “just another chick-flick, and what I have to say to you is, it is NOT what so ever. I would explain it to all, but I suggest to many that you go into it with the same mind-set that I did, nothing. I had no expectations of the movie or anything and it is now considered, in my book, it is one of my favorite movies ever. It had originated from the book, “Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chybosky and was transformed into a movie. I suggest to all ages 16 and older. So, please! Go see it!


Brown Sugar Cafe– Rachael Medeiros

I recently visited this restaurant with some of my family members. We always enjoy dining out, so my father went on the well known website, The Zagat, and found this little thai cuisine. And might I say, it was delicious! We first ordered crab rangoons and they were amazing, being one of my favorite foods I find it particularly hard to enjoy every different batch I experience from different restaurants. For my main course, I devoured the Thai Fried Rice, it had an authentic fried rice with chicken, shrimp, egg, onions, broccoli and tomatoes, some of the best Thai food I have ever had! Some of the other dishes ordered was the Spicy Pad Thai and the regular Pad Thai, which my step mother and father said were also magnificent. I would recommend it to anyone that likes to eat Thai cuisine or is interested in trying it for the first time! It is right in the center of the Boston University campus if you go on the “B” Boston College, green line, and get off at the Babcock street station you will be right in front of the restaurant… Enjoy!


Boston Faneuil Hall – Ronie


This is a spoiler!!!  This is the final act in the Faneuil Hall dancers performance!  Honestly i saw these guys and they are amazing!  Very funny, creative and all around entertaining.  Its time well spent watching these guys do their shows.  Usually they are surrounded  by tons of people eager to watch their show.  They even have a part where they make it clear to the Chinese tourist that “This Is Pitcha Time Now, Photo Time” hahaha! I loved watching it and i hope you guys enjoy it as well

Street Art – Majed

While I was enjoying a late night walk with a couple of my friends in downtown of Boston, on our way back to Copley square where one of my friends lives near by, I spot this graffiti on the wall. From the name Os Gemeos, my friend told me it belonged to two famous Brazilian brothers. This art was a part of their exhibit at Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art. This is located in Stuart street.

Thinking Cup – Majed

Thinking cup, a coffee bar located on 165 Tremont street. This was one of the first places I’ve been to with my friends when I was taking English courses when I first came to Boston. I used to go there with my friends everyday after our classes to hang out, have some coffee and study. It’s also a great place to meet new people, since many students from all over the world go there to chill or study. I still go there but not as often, to meet with my friends who are all busy with their studies, and catch up and enjoy a nice cup of coffee.