Maine Trip

Columbus weekend, which I know was a while ago, was amazing. I went to Maine for my Bio 114 class which was not required but I wanted to go because it looked interesting and it was an amazing trip. Spending 3 days out in Main in the wilderness; the dark nights; seeing the clear night sky with all the stars shinning; it was incredible. I wish I was able to stay up there longer but it was only for that weekend. It is an amazing opportunity to go up to Maine and have that kind of experience. There is also classes that teach up there; however, I could not get into the class for this summer. Hopefully, if I still am a Bio major, I will have the opportunity again to go visit Main and the field station.


Perks of Being a Wallflower–Rachael Medeiros

My suite mates and I attended the showing of Perks of Being a Wallflower a few nights after it had first come out. I hadn’t known anything about it, but my roommate won four tickets to the movie theatre and wanted to see it with us. I didn’t mind much because her and I have a lot of things in common so I trusted her judgment on going to see it, and my was she right! Going into it, I honestly had no idea what it was about so I asked my roommate a general explanation of it, she said, “I’m not quite sure myself, I know it has to do with kids in high school and that it’s been getting good ratings.” and she had me at that. So, we sat down in the theatre  one hour and forty two minutes go by. So many different emotions had overcome me throughout the movie, sadness, happiness, madness etc. All overwhelming feelings that were very strong that I thought I could never feel from a movie. And I know that some of the male students in the class may be reading this thinking “just another chick-flick, and what I have to say to you is, it is NOT what so ever. I would explain it to all, but I suggest to many that you go into it with the same mind-set that I did, nothing. I had no expectations of the movie or anything and it is now considered, in my book, it is one of my favorite movies ever. It had originated from the book, “Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chybosky and was transformed into a movie. I suggest to all ages 16 and older. So, please! Go see it!


Brown Sugar Cafe– Rachael Medeiros

I recently visited this restaurant with some of my family members. We always enjoy dining out, so my father went on the well known website, The Zagat, and found this little thai cuisine. And might I say, it was delicious! We first ordered crab rangoons and they were amazing, being one of my favorite foods I find it particularly hard to enjoy every different batch I experience from different restaurants. For my main course, I devoured the Thai Fried Rice, it had an authentic fried rice with chicken, shrimp, egg, onions, broccoli and tomatoes, some of the best Thai food I have ever had! Some of the other dishes ordered was the Spicy Pad Thai and the regular Pad Thai, which my step mother and father said were also magnificent. I would recommend it to anyone that likes to eat Thai cuisine or is interested in trying it for the first time! It is right in the center of the Boston University campus if you go on the “B” Boston College, green line, and get off at the Babcock street station you will be right in front of the restaurant… Enjoy!


Washington Center for Internships

Since 1978, Suffolk has been sending students to Washington for full-time, academic-credit internships through our partnership with The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars. Internships are available in all fields of study – Government, certainly, but also Arts, Criminal Justice, History, Science, Finance, Journalism – and, in fact, anything else. Students receive 16 credits for either the fall or spring semester, and 12 credits for the summer. Students retain any financial aid they may have, and some additional scholarships are available through The Washington Center.

Josh Bartell, a representative from The Washington Center will be visiting our campus all day on Wednesday, October 10. He and I will hold an information session at 6 PM in the large conference room on the 10th floor of 73 Tremont.