Mario Testino; In Your Face–Rachael Medeiros

For one of my photojournalism classes, we were surprised with a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts. He explained to us that it was an exhibit on modern photography of celebrities around the world. As soon as I heard that, I couldn’t wait to get there, seeing as fashion photography had always been an interest of mine. When we had arrived at MFA, we walked to the exhibit and you’re greeted with an array of different videos about Mario Testino himself. I could’t even finish because I was overwhelmed with the glass doors that were just to the right of me. I could see the ginormous photos hung on the wall that he had taken, so I opened up the large doors and went inside. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen! So many different colors and textures he used in each picture were breathe taking, I had never seen anyone photograph a human being in such a way he does. After you enter multiple rooms filled with billboard sized photographs of different well-known celebrities, you exit into an very interesting gift shop, filled with books of even more amazing photographs done by Testino and many camera related items. Overall it was an awesome experience and recommend to anyone who is interested in photography!


Mario Testino; In Your Face– Art Exhibit at Museum of Fine Arts.


Boston Faneuil Hall – Ronie


This is a spoiler!!!  This is the final act in the Faneuil Hall dancers performance!  Honestly i saw these guys and they are amazing!  Very funny, creative and all around entertaining.  Its time well spent watching these guys do their shows.  Usually they are surrounded  by tons of people eager to watch their show.  They even have a part where they make it clear to the Chinese tourist that “This Is Pitcha Time Now, Photo Time” hahaha! I loved watching it and i hope you guys enjoy it as well