
Walking around Boston just having some fun.  Me and a couple of friends leaving a mark around town!

We had a bunch of colors and ended up having a great time!

Boston is nice and open so if anyone is interested in just walking around and tagging stuff just do it at night and be chill about it.  Its all about the art and not about defacing material

Boston Faneuil Hall – Ronie


This is a spoiler!!!  This is the final act in the Faneuil Hall dancers performance!  Honestly i saw these guys and they are amazing!  Very funny, creative and all around entertaining.  Its time well spent watching these guys do their shows.  Usually they are surrounded  by tons of people eager to watch their show.  They even have a part where they make it clear to the Chinese tourist that “This Is Pitcha Time Now, Photo Time” hahaha! I loved watching it and i hope you guys enjoy it as well

Harbor Shot – Ronie

Harbor Shot

Walking from south station after leaving a friend I stubbled on this beautiful contrast of colors.  It was a nice warm day here in Boston so I decided to walk back home and take a few different routes just to see different things.  When I spotted this contrast of the rich red and the deep blue, i took out my phone and snipped this picture.  the way the sun hit it made the colors really pop!  i did some edits with snapseed an app i have to crisp the colors and sharpen the water but i have to thank the good timing to this one.  Beautiful scene at the boston harbor and must for everyone that wants to come and layback and watch the boats come in and out.