I’m Really looking forward to next just because All my class finish early in the Morning which means more relaxing time but much more time for procrastination which will probably stink, But im pretty sure I can control myself haha!….Which reminds me who else though registering day was hectic! It went smooth for me but I know a couple of people who had problems registering for their class. I Wonder how its going to work for fall semester for sophomore year  since we don’t have orientation again like last summer! but here is my schedule let me know if we are in the same class that would be cool! 

Finals and Wrap-Up


Can You believe that Our first semster is Wrapping up its amazing how Quick it flew and how we are much closer to ending our first year of College! Overall its been a pretty good semester and things are finally kicking and piling up. I hope everyone is not that stressed and can manage. Im petty sure we can all relate to sleepless nights and studying and all these final papers. It might seem hard but in the end it will pay off my Motivation is just to be able to finish college so I am working motivated and focused… Pretty much my nights look like the following pic…I want to know how is eveyone spending there last couple of days for first semester it would be Interesting to see exactly what is everyone doing to stay cool calm and Collected!

Nathan Miller Hall


This one is more for the Commuter Students that dont live on campus!

I have a Friend that Lives in Nathan Miller Hall and well he invited me one day and we went to the dining hall. First of all it was really nice and different from any other dining hall I have seen and convinient being in the building itself. But the part that amazed me was the food they have is so good! My friend recommended me a Chicken finger wrap with bacon and Cheddar cheese and a side of crispy Curly fries!.The wrap was the best I have ever had, So if your a commuter and have a firend tht Live in a Hall make sure you visit and try to go the dining halls its awesome and plus you get to hang out with many of the students that do live here so its sort of like a socializing opportunity for you as well 

Thanksgiving Luncheon!


The week before Thanksgiving I decide to attend an event, I was originally planning to attend a Discrimination and racism seminar, It turned out that it was cancelled and Instead I ended up going to the Thanksgiving Luncheon hosted by the Caribbean student network. Basically you can either donate canned goods or donate 2 dollars and in exchange you get a very delicious plate of Caribbean food which consited of chicken some rice and beans and this macaroni and cheese mixed with vegetables, Which I enjoyed and the best part that it was all for a good cause all the money also went to those less fortunate who are struggling to be fine. It was great because there was  portion where we had to reflect upon what were thankful for this thanksgiving and it made me realize that I am very thankful for everything that I have in life and that its something that shouldnt be taken for granted Like being able to go to a great school as well as having great heath and happiness!


It has been a month since SANDY


Can You believe that its been a month already since Hurricane Sandy passed through and made some damage! do you remember what you were doing that day. I do I was at home watching the whole thing in fact I even took a video Here is a little flashback to Hurricane sandy…By the way the person in the background is my little sister who was with me while I was recording haha!




If your not originally from Boston I recommend taking a trip to the New England Aquarium located at

1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110, I got to go with my scholarship seminar group as part of a cutural dversity experience and we chose to go to the aquarium. It is a great place to just  lose some stress and have fun looking at aquatic animals. There are many exhibits hwre studnets can come and actually learn a couple of things about the aqua marine life. I even got to touch a shark which was EPIC! haha but yeah overall if you have the money and time deffinately worth going and seeing new things around in Boston!


The 73 Tremont St Library by Kevin Vega

Most people know or heard of this place but few have stepped in here from the new class of 2016. Honestly I have never been so fascinated by a library in my life, but once i stepped in here, it has literally become my second home. During my free time I am usually in there doing homework and studying for quizzes and other times its also a great spot to take a good nap, or catch up with friends. There 3 floors to this library and it is very spacious with a lot of comfortable places to just sit in and get right to work. Also if you do not have a certain book for class and you need most likely they have that book which they can let you borrow while being at the library. Overall its just a great space to really just get your mind together and well simply just do work! I highly recommend anyone who has trouble focusing or just don’t have a spot to hang out, just come to the library. Especially commuter students like me would enjoy having a suit where they can go in comfortably with no worries just to do work.

Kevin Vega

Hello Everyone, My name is Kevin Vega
but you can call me by my nickname Vegas! haha
Well What can I say, I’m originally from boston I am Salvadorian, which means I am bilingual and fluent in both spanish and english. I love cars and I am pretty much and enthusiast when it comes to those. Overall I am a pretty cool person who likes to have good laughs and is open to everyone. And that’s about it!