Living in Boston

Moving from Japan to the United States is an interesting experience. It is not my first time in the states; however, it is my first time living in the states. I have to say everything is disorganized and that may just be Boston; but, everything seems to go slower then usual. For example the T takes forever, the people driving on the roads are crazy, and the lights are very slow on turning green or red. It is very inefficient. The people here, some, are kind and other are people I dont want to stay around. That goes with all cities though. Boston is a good city to visit but you have to know where everything is if you want to live here because its sort of confusing.



My roommate sucks; there is nothing else to say he is a terrible roommate. Let me rephrase that, I can live with him but I cannot hang out with him. He is an awkward person. Every time we are hanging out in the common area he would say one thing and everyone would be silent and he would make an awkward atmosphere. He is also tries to fit in but it doesnt really work out. Such as when we are talking about games or some type of sports he tries to make himself look like he understands everything and how his country is the best. But it backfires because you can clearly tell he doesnt understand anything.


Black Ops II!!!

Black Ops 2 is amazing!!! The zombie mode is so much fun. Waiting for the game in the cold was worth it. It is an amazing game. The multiplayer on Black Ops is so fun. The new types of weapons and kill streak rewards are so much fun to use. The new tech the use is just so much fun to use. The Claw is so much fun to use. Its a walking tank with grenade launchers and a Gatling gun mounted on top of it. It is so much fun. Recommended for all gamers and if not that Halo 4 and MW3 is also fun.



Celtics game!! It was amazing!! Celtics vs the Wizards was a great game went into overtime. I went with couple people on the floor; Dan, Jadeine, Tabitha, Chris, and Jordan. It was a great game. We where sitting really high up but still we saw the entire court so it was fine. We where all standing and screwing for every shot. All the 3 pointers made by the Celtics the entire crowed was just silent and what came next was YEAH or OHHH. It was an amazing game. 88-88 and going into overtime.


Veterans day weekend

After my sisters birthday party I came home feeling a bit sick. It turned out I had the stomach flue and for the rest of the weekend was in bed or the bathroom. It was not the most pleasant experience of college but it only lasted for 2-3 days so it was not so bad. I could not eat or sleep for a day but when I was able to. I ate so much food and slept for 12 hours or more. It was amazing. Even though having the flue sucked.


Snow Day

Snowed a lot at night so some of the people on the floor went down to the Commons to have a snowball fight. It was so much fun chucking snowballs at each other. Even though it only lasted about thirty minutes it was a blast. Running around in the snow it was so much fun. I recommend everyone to have a snowball fight every time it snows. It will be very fun, I promise.


Veterans Weekend

November 16th was my sisters birthday and we celebrated at a restaurant called Red Lantern. It was very good Asian food. There was friend rice, teriyaki chicken, yakitori, and other Asian cuisines. I meet couple of her friends and it was tons of fun. The restaurant is close by only a 10-15min walk; not to far.

Its at:
39 StanHope St.

Boston, MA 02116

Phone Number: 617-262-3900

It was very good I definitely recommend it for parties.


Maine Trip

Columbus weekend, which I know was a while ago, was amazing. I went to Maine for my Bio 114 class which was not required but I wanted to go because it looked interesting and it was an amazing trip. Spending 3 days out in Main in the wilderness; the dark nights; seeing the clear night sky with all the stars shinning; it was incredible. I wish I was able to stay up there longer but it was only for that weekend. It is an amazing opportunity to go up to Maine and have that kind of experience. There is also classes that teach up there; however, I could not get into the class for this summer. Hopefully, if I still am a Bio major, I will have the opportunity again to go visit Main and the field station.



Japanese restaurant called the Thelonious Monkfish which the cook at 150 said they have amazing sushi.
I have not gone there yet so if you do go please tell me how it is.
524 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139

Eddie Asai

Hello my name is Eddie and I am from Tokyo, Japan. Currently I am living at 150 on the 8th floor and you should all visit because there are really chill people here and there is always something to do if you are bored. So if your just looking for a place to have fun you should come over!
I was born in Japan and lived there for eight years then moved to Singapore for eight years then moved back to Japan to finish off high school and came here to Suffolk for college. Also my major is marine biology. I hope we can all get along and make this class a blast unlike the long and boring lectures we all might have.

Also my nickname is Panda