Anicka Galipeau Blog #5

November 28, 2012

As the semesters closing quickly approaches, I can’t help but feel a bit relieved. It has been gratifying to look back on my freshman year thus far, because I feel as though I have put it my best effort. Reflecting on the nights I sat alone in my room doing homework assignments, while my friends were out at social events, I don’t feel regretful one bit. Granted, I’m sure they had a great night when they did go out without me, but I tend to think having my homework completed on the due date outweighs the fun of one night out. I have had to learn how to balance this compromise however. At first I felt as though I was going out too often and not putting my best effort forth into my homework assignments. I would end up with a feeling of guilt when I would hand in assignments that I knew were not completely finished. I gradually starting skipping out on some social events with my friends, and learned how to politely explain that I have to put my schoolwork first. At this point, I am thankful that I have mastered this skill so early in my college experience, because I know it will be useful from this point on.


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