Thanksgiving Luncheon!


The week before Thanksgiving I decide to attend an event, I was originally planning to attend a Discrimination and racism seminar, It turned out that it was cancelled and Instead I ended up going to the Thanksgiving Luncheon hosted by the Caribbean student network. Basically you can either donate canned goods or donate 2 dollars and in exchange you get a very delicious plate of Caribbean food which consited of chicken some rice and beans and this macaroni and cheese mixed with vegetables, Which I enjoyed and the best part that it was all for a good cause all the money also went to those less fortunate who are struggling to be fine. It was great because there was  portion where we had to reflect upon what were thankful for this thanksgiving and it made me realize that I am very thankful for everything that I have in life and that its something that shouldnt be taken for granted Like being able to go to a great school as well as having great heath and happiness!


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