
Hello people ! !


My Name is Forbes Lau. and I am a student in Mr. Solomans SU 101 class. I am a freshman who has very big plans  here at Suffolk ! I know my journey will be rough one. But like high school onto college, this is just the beginning. A beginning that I am looking forward to complete here in my journey.  People say the greatest journeys begin with a first step, my journey is no different. I am standing here, right now, in one of the most popular schools in Boston, and I will do my very best, fight my very hardest to succeed here.

Author: Forbes Lau

Tell me about myself ? I'm just a fighter looking forward to see the future. I'm just trying to get by in life. It is never easy, but I like where I stand. I have goals and dreams that I am willing to fight to see come true. Someday I will be out there, and I have plenty of reasons to keep on fighting.

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