#7 Voting for OBAMA (Binglei Zhou)

Finally 18 and able to vote for the President of America! What an honor. I pity those who don’t vote or who could care to wake up and stand in line to vote because we are so lucky to be able to make a choice and a difference. There are so many other counties out there who are begging and struggling to fight for their rights to vote. My first time voting, I went to the state house instead of at some place in Chinatown, so I even went on a detour to vote. Though I don’t strongly believe in either side. I believe that Obama would be a better President because at least he remembers the words that come out of his mouth. Romney on the other hand can’t even control sentences like “binders full of women”… good one Romney. Romney to me seems too much of a hypocrite and I’m not willing to take a chance with someone who says he will free more jobs, but can’t remember what he ate the night before. Obama 4 more years please!

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