Anicka Galipeau -Blog Post #3

Walking the same route to class every other morning, I tend to notice things. Passing the same Dunkin Donuts at 7:45 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I’ve observed that most people appear to be half asleep as they sip their coffees and gaze at the city outside the window. I’ve also noticed that some of the homeless people tend to stand in the same place every morning. For instance, I have seen the same woman reading the newspaper in the same spot every morning for the last 3 months. I expect to see her there every time I pass, sitting on the same green crate, sometimes a plastic bag is on her head and she is usually speaking gibberish in a raised voice to the passing people. However it’s not the newspaper lady that has caught my attention, it’s the “Spare Change” man that stands at the corner of Winter Street in the morning. Although he chooses to say the same 3 words over and over all day, something about him has captured my attention. Last week in English class, my Professor had mentioned that theories had been circulating that this man may not be homeless, and he is actually a Harvard Professor doing a social experiment. As outrageous as that may sound, it is not only completely plausible, but it reminded me that all of us have our own life story and there is more to most people than reaches the eye. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if the theory turned out to be true? I’ve never given the man “spare change” or ‘water”, and I have never witnessed anyone else giving him anything either. I sometimes feel guilty for not giving him anything, because he so dedicated to repeating those 3 words every single morning.

One thought on “Anicka Galipeau -Blog Post #3”

  1. if thats true I gave that homeless man money. next tim i see him lol I’m asking for my change back that crazy harvard professor. Plus the dunkin donuts on the corner is always pack and people are always tird and half awake that what happen when you live in the city you see this all the time 🙂

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