Anicka Galipeau – Blog Post #4

November 25, 2012

What a relief! I have survived Thanksgiving break, and I’ve never been so excited to be on my way back to Boston! Overall, my Thanksgiving break gave me a much needed chance to spend extra time on some homework and catch up with my friends and family. As I expected, Vermont was exactly the way I remembered it to be, only more bland than ever. All the leaves had fallen off the trees and the quiet roads proved to be more depressing than I remembered. I guess I’ve grown accustomed to the constant noise of the city and Vermont doesn’t provide as much excitement as it once did. Now don’t get me wrong, Vermont has been an absolute joy to grow up in and it has taught me how to live a slower paced lifestyle that requires a lot of patience. What most people may not know about living in a small town in a place like Vermont is that life feels as though you are stuck in slow motion. Customer service in Vermont takes much longer, your food is served after a much longer time when you go out to eat and people generally aren’t in a rush to get anywhere. Growing up in Vermont my whole life, I’ve been used to this, so I didn’t notice how relaxed things were, until I started school in the city. Thankfully, my bus is headed back and I’m only 2 short hours away from my much missed home away from home!

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