Anicka Galipeau Blog #7

I am curious to know how everyone else felt while being home for Thanksgiving. To those of you who live close and have the privilege of going home often, I’m sure Thanksgiving break wasn’t very different from your previous visits home. Since I hadn’t been home up until that point, I anticipated Thanksgiving break to drag on endlessly. Growing up in Vermont, there isn’t a ton of things to keep my friends and I busy, so we end up not doing a lot. I was worried that by this point I would be so adjusted to the city life that Vermont would seem especially dull. Vermont lived up to my expectations, and I have accomplished absolutely nothing thus far, and break is almost at its close. This has made me increasingly nervous for Christmas break, a time that most people can’t contain their excitement for. I am worried that I will lose the routine that I am in now, which has been working great so far. All I can do is hope for the best, and try my best not to spend too much  time sleeping and sitting around. Wish me luck!

One thought on “Anicka Galipeau Blog #7”

  1. yea I have a lot of friends in vermont one of my closet friends live goes to st micheal college but i have friends that come to boston and they get so adjusted to the city life that they never go back but its nice to visit sometime and get away though cause the city life can be noisy sometimes. 🙂

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