It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Today, I woke up and there was snow all over the Boston common. I got so excited and instantly got into the Christmas mood. Because it is the 1st of December, it is definitely perfectly fine to blast Christmas music at all hours now. My friends and I have been sitting in our common room all day listening to Christmas music and doing homework. We also helped each other to put up Christmas decorations around our dorms. Also, we bought candy canes and chocolates for our dorms to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. It has been a great day and I can’t wait for this entire month because Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

One thought on “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”

  1. Merry Christmas is a very sweet line that everyone say on Christmas. lil mama always give the gifts. I love to get the gifts not only at Christmas but want to get the gifts everyday. Gifts that are wrapped in a beautiful cover.

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