Black Friday

Over Thanksgiving break, I flew home to my hometown of San Diego, California. Though my entire trip was very eventful and fun, one of the days that was most unforgettable was Black Friday. On Thanksgiving, my entire family came to my house and we had a great time. Because we had so many activities and games planned throughout the night, we did not eat dinner until 8:30 pm. Because of this, my friends who had celebrated Thanksgiving earlier that afternoon visited my house and spent time with my family for a few hours. At around 11 pm, my brother, best friends, boyfriend, and I left my house for the midnight opening of the Urban Outfitters in our town. The group picture I have added is of us waiting outside of Urban Outfitters at 11:30 pm. There was an incredibly long line outside of the store because it was in the middle of the downtown area of my city. After we shopped there, we drove to a mall near my house and spent a few hours there shopping for clothes for ourselves and for Christmas gifts for our loved ones. By the time we left the mall and were planning to go home, it was 4:45 am. As we were getting into my boyfriend’s car and were preparing to go home, one of my friends remembers that there is another Urban Outfitters in our town that would not be holding their Black Friday sale until 6 am. Spontaneously, we all decide to drive all the way to the other store and, luckily, there are only about three people in front of us in line. The second picture is of me sleeping as we are waiting for that store to open its doors. In the end, though we did not get home until 8 am on Friday morning, we had a great time together and got some great deals while shopping. I think that the whole experience was worth messing up my sleep schedule.

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