Mediation Advice

Merlin\’s Magic – Reiki Light Touch


One of the best ways for me to relax is through meditation. Although I don’t practice the traditional mediation like many others, there is more than just one way to meditate. The key is variety, try to look at other options outside the box. Some other meditation forms are:  standing, walking, breathing, reflecting, etc. Try to look for area that suits you. I personally prefer to stand at a window or rooftop and just stare at the world moving. I find it very relaxing as it helps center my mind and open my heart to the wonders of life.


Author: Forbes Lau

Tell me about myself ? I'm just a fighter looking forward to see the future. I'm just trying to get by in life. It is never easy, but I like where I stand. I have goals and dreams that I am willing to fight to see come true. Someday I will be out there, and I have plenty of reasons to keep on fighting.

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