Biggest Fears ?

What are my biggest fears ? That is a tough one, for my training has me to let go of fear. A wise friend once told me, “Once you give in to fear, the darkness comes.” If you let fear consume you, then you will loose everything. Fear has a power that can paralyze us to very core. It can crush us, consume us, and obliterate us. Unless we control fear, then we can let go of the darkness. My biggest fear is loosing, not a video game, loosing to the world. For me to loose to the world is me accepting what they said me; allowing myself to be dominated by reminders of my failures. But I won’t allow it, not without fighting. A lot of people say I can make it out there in the world . . . but I am still here, I am still fighting, and I am going to do what ever it takes to make it out in the world. Someday, the world will see me not just as fighter, but as a person, who rose to the top despite the hate and rejection. Someday

Author: Forbes Lau

Tell me about myself ? I'm just a fighter looking forward to see the future. I'm just trying to get by in life. It is never easy, but I like where I stand. I have goals and dreams that I am willing to fight to see come true. Someday I will be out there, and I have plenty of reasons to keep on fighting.

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