Perks of Being a Wallflower–Rachael Medeiros

My suite mates and I attended the showing of Perks of Being a Wallflower a few nights after it had first come out. I hadn’t known anything about it, but my roommate won four tickets to the movie theatre and wanted to see it with us. I didn’t mind much because her and I have a lot of things in common so I trusted her judgment on going to see it, and my was she right! Going into it, I honestly had no idea what it was about so I asked my roommate a general explanation of it, she said, “I’m not quite sure myself, I know it has to do with kids in high school and that it’s been getting good ratings.” and she had me at that. So, we sat down in the theatre  one hour and forty two minutes go by. So many different emotions had overcome me throughout the movie, sadness, happiness, madness etc. All overwhelming feelings that were very strong that I thought I could never feel from a movie. And I know that some of the male students in the class may be reading this thinking “just another chick-flick, and what I have to say to you is, it is NOT what so ever. I would explain it to all, but I suggest to many that you go into it with the same mind-set that I did, nothing. I had no expectations of the movie or anything and it is now considered, in my book, it is one of my favorite movies ever. It had originated from the book, “Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chybosky and was transformed into a movie. I suggest to all ages 16 and older. So, please! Go see it!


2 thoughts on “Perks of Being a Wallflower–Rachael Medeiros”

  1. 美国论文代写 中的结果和分析是实验方案的论证,结果是通过实验发现的,分析是发现的意义所在。结果与分析的结构正好和介绍相反,介绍是一个直立的梯形,列出结果,分析是主要内容。结果需要数据支持,data的准确性和可验证性必须得到保证。建议以图表的形式表达。记住不要太挑剔,简单地解释问题。应该注意的是,图表的格式应与目标期刊的格式一致。结论部分是文章的总结,主要是对文中的实验方案进行简要的总结,从文中的实验中得到或观察到了哪些数据和现象,并依次解释了解决了哪些问题,以及与以往研究的异同。

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