Street Art – Majed

While I was enjoying a late night walk with a couple of my friends in downtown of Boston, on our way back to Copley square where one of my friends lives near by, I spot this graffiti on the wall. From the name Os Gemeos, my friend told me it belonged to two famous Brazilian brothers. This art was a part of their exhibit at Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art. This is located in Stuart street.

3 thoughts on “Street Art – Majed”

  1. I saw the same thing and was wondering who did it! I am very impressed not only with their artistic abilities but also by the height. In order to do a piece at that height, without a ladder or anything help, is called a heaven spot. It is very dangerous and usually very messily done, but this is beautiful. I’ll make sure to check out more of their art. Thanks!

  2. I was very impressed, I thought some random “street artist” made it. But thankfully I have a friend from Brazil who recognized the name and clarified it for me. You’re welcome!

  3. That’s really cool, M. nice shot. Good that you are getting out and about. The further you get from Suffolk, the more you will see all that this city has to offer. I was at a concert last night, I only went because one of the musicians had been my son, Eli’s, guitar teacher and I wanted to support him, and it was an incredible performance all with musicians who I had never heard of.

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