Plans for the Future :)


People always ask this question : What is your plans after college ? Many of us may have an understanding on what we want, we may have an idea on our fields, but many of us see the future to be very vague.  Most of us don’t know what lies ahead after college and that is perfectly fine. But the best part about this is that this the human experience ! Things change over time, so does opportunities and futures.


I want to work as video game designer and programmer. A very good field, field with tons of creatively. The gaming company i wish to work for is Bioware, a Video Gaming company, well-known for its story telling, and it’s deep connection to characters. All of Bioware’s work comes from hard dedication and commitment, something that I admire and hopefully someday be a part of. If it is possible, I would love to use my martial arts abilities to hopefully create something wonderful !

Author: Forbes Lau

Tell me about myself ? I'm just a fighter looking forward to see the future. I'm just trying to get by in life. It is never easy, but I like where I stand. I have goals and dreams that I am willing to fight to see come true. Someday I will be out there, and I have plenty of reasons to keep on fighting.

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